Lessons learned from 1D/2D modeling using the SWMM5 engine

Scott Jeffers


Previously developed methodologies have extended the 1D functionality of the US EPA SWMM5 engine into the 2D modeling realm. As a result of widely available GIS data sources, 1D/2D modeling is more achievable than ever to create more realistic flooding and overland flow simulations.  However, because this method relies on the traditionally 1D SWMM engine, there are a number of hydraulic and hydrologic factors that need to be considered outside of more typical SWMM modeling.  Further, due to the computational limitations of the engine, runtimes can significantly burden the full application of the method.  To spark community discussion and gain input for improved 1D/2D best modeling practices, these topics are demonstrated using recent case studies to show: 

  • Data sources for rapid model development,  
  • Hydrology parameterization,
  • Methods to improve runtimes,
  • Result visualization, and
  • Challenges and uncertainties with the modeling effort.

 Click here to watch recorded presentation on YouTube.

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