Rapidurbanizationand population growth have increasedaround the world’s natural water resources more than ever. The changes in land use due toincreased urbanizationcause impervious surfaces leading to extreme to severe urban flooding and deterioration in water quality. The aforementioned issues can be dealt with or minimized by employing Nature Based Solutions (NBS). In recent decades, NBS have been adapted for urban drainage in developed countries, mostly having temperateclimate while there is a needto develop similar sustainable measures for urban drainage in tropical regions as currently there are no guidelines for their implementation in tropical climate.In this study multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach was utilized to identify the best site for NBS in Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand. The type of NBS used in this study was Bioretention system andthenumber of alternatives (purposed sites) isthree. To select one alternativeamong three Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)methodwas adapted. Ninecriteria were determined as suitable, based on differentdimensions of sustainability including economic (Design and capital costs), environmental(Water quality parameters) and technical (Soil parameters, catchment size, contributing structuresand physicalrestrictions).The present study will provide a guideline for deciding the most suitable site for the operation of bioretention system for urban water management in tropical climate. Moreover, the results obtained in this research will be used for further design and execution of NBS project in AIT.
Keywords: Nature Based Solutions, Urban Stormwater, Multi Criteria Decision Analysis, Analytical Hierarchy Process.
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