Application of conceptual 2-D urban flood Inundation model considering river

Suk-Ho Lee, Jin-Hyuck Kim, Dong-Seop Lee, and Byoung-Sik Kim, Kangwon National University, Gangwon-do 033-570-6838, Republic of Korea


The abnormal climate has occurred by increased greenhouse gases due to recent relentless development. The extreme rainfall has increased by climate change but the current drainage facility design frequency cannot hold it therefore inland flood by poor drainage of inner basin occurred frequently. To solve this problem drainage pump station has installed at lower basin near stream area to let flood to streams. But inland flood has occurred because drainage pump station has not operated properly because of lack of capacity or malfunction. In this study the inland flood according to the efficiency of drainage pump station has simulated. The outflow of drainage pump station has calculated to calculate flood discharge according to probability rainfall by using distributed rainfall runoff model, S-RAT. The distributed flooding model, SIMOD(Simplified Inundation MODel) has utilized to have a simulation on inland inundation diffusion course by supposing the flood discharge of each drainage pump station cannot be discharged to streams. SIMOD has two models MDM(Multi Direction Method) which can do differential distribution by using the slope when flood has occurred and FWA(Flat Water Assumption) which can make surrounding cells equalized and the inland flood has simulated by using these two algorithm. Target area is JungRangCheon basin in Korea, selecting 5 out of drainage pump stations already installed by using probable rainfall of 30, 50, 100years and the inland flood range was calculated according to each probable rainfall amount ny using SIMOD. Those calculated results can be used for evacuation plan according to heavy rain disaster.

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