Water companies, are the responsible of design, construction, operation and management of Urban Drainage Systems, if these institutions do not have an adequate management practice, rehabilitation programs of these systems, and suitable mitigations measures; this vital infrastructure does not only decreases the level of service, but also enormous expenditure has to be made for rehabilitation in order to avoid paramount impact on human societies.
Conventional and structural solutions have been implementing in several regions around the world and in the same way in Quito in order to avoid collapse of sewer system, which can cause flooding due to insufficente hydraulic capacity. These solutions could not be optimal from technical, social, and environmental point of view.
Therefore in this research, the hydraulic performance of an área of the sewer system of Quito-Ecuador was analyzed and compared among three different scenarios, the current situation, where structural measures were built in the year 2011 to relieve excesive pluvial flows; a second scenario with the configuration of the system before the year 2011; and a third scenario with several sustainable techniques that were implemented in an urban drainage model. To come up with this assesment, the indispensable data was collected, analyzed and processed. Subsequently 1D pipe flow model was carried out for several scenarios by using Infoworks CS model. To simulate the overland flow from manholes when the capacity of the sewer pipes is exceeded a 2D model was used. Several hydraulic parameters were evaluated within these scenarios, such as flood volumen, surface runoff, pipe flows, flood water depths and velocities.