Special paver drainage cell geometries, called cupules, in specific permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP) were examined under moving regenerative-air pick-up heads in a laboratory rig. Early results were discussed in our previous paper (James and von Langsdorff, 2016). Reported here are follow-up field tests on three different, rapidly-cleaned-out PICP (RCPP) parking lot pavements at one installation, using a wide range of readily available street cleaning equipment. Previous publications on restoring clogged PICP, and also on available street sweeping equipment, are reviewed. In our test pavement, rapid cleanout of the special-purpose cupules at various sweeper speeds is measured and reported for regenerative-air, two types of mechanical sweepers, and a portable blower. Preliminary observations of cupule cleanout for two pick-up head directions of travel and for different filter media are presented. Results of these RCPP field tests are considered to be “early”, since diminution in surface infiltration rates caused by clogging was insignificant. However, routine RCPP management should ensure that similar rapid clean-out will continue to be observed over extended time, and RCPP left uncleaned for extended time will be restored quicker and easier than the current generation of PICP, according to the present study.
Accompanying this paper are two short videos that show our field procedures for pavement installation, cleanout and restoration.
Click here to download a static ppt version of the presentation.