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2024 Presentation Abstracts 48 abstracts
Design Storms: Another Look and a New Approach
Sarah El Outayek, Magali Vandal and Gilles Rivard, Lasalle|NHC, QC, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Hydrodynamic Modeling Applications: Toronto Case Studies
Huu Thoi Nguyen, City of Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Water Budget Analyses: Lucid Liquid Ledgers for Stormwater Modeling
Mike Gregory, Computational Hydraulics (CHI), ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Sourcing Surface Water from the Vega-Oropouche Watershed for Potable Water Treatment; An Adaptive Response to Climate Change in an Eastern Caribbean Country
Adrian Lutchman and Festus Addo-Yobo, University of Trinidad and Tobago, Point LIsas, Trinidad
ICWMM 2024

Fully Automated Simplification of Urban Drainage Models on City Scale
Markus Pichler, Albert König, Stefan Reinstaller and Dirk Muschalla, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
ICWMM 2024

Keynote: Advancing EPA’s Stormwater Management Model for the Digital Water Transformation
Caleb Buahin, USEPA, OH, USA
ICWMM 2024

Enhancing Coastal Resilience: Rapid 2D SWMM Modeling of Hurricane Ian’s Storm Surge in Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Scott Jeffers, Anthropocene, AZ, USA
ICWMM 2024

SWMM5+ Status and Future Plans
Ben R. Hodges and Sazzad Sharior, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA
ICWMM 2024

Evaluating the Effects of Groundwater on Runoff Modeling
Michael Bragg and Jose Vasconcelos, Auburn University, AL, USA
ICWMM 2024

Online Data Collection with Python and Jupyter: Making Stormwater Modeling Less of a Drain
Ellen Arrowsmith, Computational Hydraulics (CHI), ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Applying Flood Risk Resiliency Analysis to a Regional Stormwater Management Program
George Remias, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, OH, USA
ICWMM 2024

Building in High-Risk Flood Areas: The Particularly Complex Case of a Head Office in Nîmes City, France
Nelly Peyron, Hydropraxis, France
ICWMM 2024

Enhancing Regulatory Flood Hazard Products Through HEC-RAS 2D: A Comparative Analysis with SWMM
Yong Jung and Qi Ma, AECOM, GA, USA
ICWMM 2024

Pluvial Flood Mapping for Prince Edward Island
Xander Wang, University of Prince Edward Island, PEI, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Hydraulic Grade Line Analysis Case Study: Flow Conveyance and Volume Storage in Oversized Pipes Under Restricted Outlet Conditions
Claire Wittnebel, AECOM, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Advancing Uncertainty Quantification in Predictive Hydraulic Simulations of Sanitary Collection System Flows Using Data Assimilation
Amin Mahdipour, Clean Water Services, OR, USA
ICWMM 2024

Machine Learning and SMART Sewer Management
Suibing Liu, John Meyers, Liie Hill and Jennifer Baldwin, Jacobs, OH, USA
ICWMM 2024

Limitations of the Control Basin Comparison Approach and Potential Improvement
Hazem Gheith, ARCADIS, OH, USA
ICWMM 2024

ALCOSAN’s Water Quality Modeling Approach
Sam Shamsi, ALCOSAN, PA, USA and Karilyn Heisen, CDM Smith, MA, USA
ICWMM 2024

Size Matters: Scaling Design Criteria to Service Area Size
Kelvin Meng and Fabian Papa, HydraTek & Associates, ON, Canada, Freddy Baron and Carolyn Truong, York Region, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Evaluating Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Flood Resilience in Ottawa, Canada
Ali Zoghi, Naveed Khaliq, Yeowon Kim, and Jennifer Drake, Carleton University, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Model Based Design of Tree Pits After the Stockholm Model
Albert Wilhelm Konig, Markus Pichler, and Dirk Muschalla, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
ICWMM 2024

Wetland Change Assessment for Sustainable Ecosystem Services: Amathole District Municipality, South Africa
Ahmed Mukalazi Kalumbaa, Lwandile Ndukua and Gbenga Abayomi Afuyea, University of Fort Hare, South Africa
ICWMM 2024

The Use of SWMM for Wetland Hydrological Analysis
Dequan Zhou, Charles Gyening and Rahul Narula, Hatch Ltd., ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Application of Continuous Modeling to Assess Hydraulic Performance of Proposed Soil Cell LID Practices in Ottawa, ON
Nick Zorn, Morrison Hershfield, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Keynote: Well-Being and Evolution of Urban Water Systems Modeling: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in Sewersheds
William James, Computational Hydraulics (CHI), ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Incorporating the Effects of Entrapped Air in SWMM5+ Mixed Flow Modeling
Sazzad Sharior, Abdulmuttalib Lokhandwala and Ben R. Hodges, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA
ICWMM 2024

Modeling Hydrological Performance of SWM Pond – Integrating Real-time Water Level Data in Wet-weather Events and Design Scenario Comparisons
Jane Gao and Jennifer Drake, Carleton University, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Evaluation of the Impact of Climate Change on Runoff in Urban Watersheds
Emilie Bilodeau, Jean-Luc Martel, Richard Arsenault, and Francois Brissette, Ecole de technologie supérieure, QC, Canada
ICWMM 2024

SWMM5 Hydrology Model Calibration Challenges in the North
Mauricio Herrera and Gordon Johnston, SRK Consulting, BC, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Compound Urban Flood Risk Assessment for the City of Charlottetown
Farhan Aziz, Xander Wang, and Muhammad Qasim Mahmood, University of Prince Edward Island, PEI, Canada
ICWMM 2024

3D Visualization Tools For Clear Communication of Flood Risks
Hassan Kasraie, Kasraie Consulting, CA, USA
ICWMM 2024

The Environmental Considerations and Drainage Design for New Kingstown Cargo Port, St. Vincent
Mohsen Imani, Stantec, BC, Canada
ICWMM 2024

A Comparison of Techniques for Rainfall-Runoff Determination in a Small Watershed
Louisa Wildman, Oregon State University, OR, USA and Yunus Salami, LeTourneau University, TX, USA
ICWMM 2024

I-94 Modernization, Modeled Drainage Study
Kevin Hong and Imad Salim, Wade Trim, MI, USA
ICWMM 2024

Assessment of Riverine Scour for Design of a Major Bridge Crossing Using 2-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling – A Methodologic Comparison Case Study
Dante Mawji, HDR, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Hybrid Modeling Approach to Bridge Drainage System
Sabina Sadek, Douglas Nuttall, and Mark Tan, HDR, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Charlie Lake Low-Pressure Sewer System Model
Abbi Kau, McElhanney, BC, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Modeling Intermittent Water Supply using SWMM: Recommended Procedures Based on Quantitative Evidence
Omar Abdelazeem and David D. J. Meyer, University of Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Modeling Wipe-Induced Blockages of Sewer Pipes
Katayoun Kargar and Darko Joksimovic, Toronto Metropolitan University, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

The Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrology and Availability of Surface Water in Six Rivers in the Vessigny Watershed in Trinidad and Tobago
Adrian Lutchman and Festus Addo-Yobo, University of Trinidad and Tobago, Point LIsas, Trinidad
ICWMM 2024

Hydrologic Modeling to Investigate Climate Change Impact on the Muskoka River Watershed using SWAT+
Elisabeth Bowering, Allyson Bingeman and Sarah Irwin, GHD Ltd., ON, Canada, and Glenn Cunnington, District Municipality of Muskoka, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Stormwater Pump and Lift Station Cost Optimization using 1-D Modeling
Tendai Mudunge, Hatch Ltd., NL, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Flood and Climate Resilience - Improved Detention Design
Phillip Taylor, Hydro International Ltd., ME, USA
ICWMM 2024

Significance of Groundwater Flow Processes in Hydrologic Models: A Model Comparison Study in a Small Watershed
Xin Tong, Walter A. Illman, Young-Jin Park, David L. Rudolph, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada and Steven J. Berg, Aquanty Inc., ON, Canada
ICWMM 2024

Peak Flow Search Approach: Discretization of the Modified Rational Method to Improve Peak Flow Estimates
Jose G. Vasconcelos, Auburn University, AL, USA, Paulo Tarso S. Oliveira, Federal Univ. of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Xing Fang, Auburn University, AL, USA, Marcus N. Gomes Jr. University of Arizona, AZ, USA and Dingyu Wang, Auburn University, AL, USA
ICWMM 2024

Effect of Drought on Temporal and Spatial Variability of Groundwater Quality in Shahrekord Plain and the Aquifer Vulnerability
Sayyed-Hassan Tabatabaei, Navid Radborujeni, Mahdi Radfar and Rasoul Mirabbasi-Najafabadi, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran
ICWMM 2024

Pluvial Flood Mapping for Coastal Cities - A Case Study for Charlottetown and Summerside in PEI
Quan Van Dau, Farhan Aziz, Xiuquan Wang, Rana Ali Nawaz, Tianze Pang and Muhammad Qasim Mahmood, University of Prince Edward Island, PEI, Canada
ICWMM 2024
2023 Presentation Abstracts 33 abstracts
Keynote: Metamorphosing the pachyderm in the room into Panacea and her siblings: how water systems models can help preserve civil life
Bill James
ICWMM 2023

The secret art of model calibration
David Edgren
ICWMM 2023

An empirical equation for estimation of probable maximum floods in Ontario
Dequan Zhou
ICWMM 2023

Understanding the complex relationship between disappearing first-order streams, urbanization, and floods
Shyam Prasad and Amulya Vinaykumar
ICWMM 2023

Rolling out SWMM5+ for public use and open-source development
Ben R. Hodges and Sazzad Sharior
ICWMM 2023

Establishment of a non-profit Center for Infrastructure Modeling and Management (CIMM)
Bob Brashear and Jason Stawski
ICWMM 2023

Defining dirty water: How much, how strong, how long, and how often?
Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2023

Probabilistic identification of failures in water distribution networks using Bayesian belief networks
Gözde Köse, Sergey Oladyshkin and Wolfgang Nowak
ICWMM 2023

How can an integrated model help understand a mysterious flooding event?
Nelly Peyron
ICWMM 2023

1D-2D SWMM calibration case study: Stoney run drainage study
Caroline Kersey, Kathie Angle and Hai Tran
ICWMM 2023

Evaluating the hydraulic performance of stormwater management infrastructure with 2D modeling and in situ monitoring: Water Square Place des Fleurs-de-Macadam case study
Juan Esteban Ossa Ossa, Sophie Duchesne and Geneviève Pelletier
ICWMM 2023

1D/2D integrated PCSWMM modeling for storm sewer capacity improvements
Alex Partridge
ICWMM 2023

Lessons learned from 1D/2D modeling using the SWMM5 engine
Scott Jeffers
ICWMM 2023

Using multi-scale modeling to assess the impact of LID implementation scenarios under current and future precipitation patterns in a semi-arid, flood-prone residential neighborhood
Daniel Phillips and Kamrul Hasan
ICWMM 2023

Alternative approaches to setup CN and imperviousness in SWMM models
Han Xiao and Jose G. Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2023

Impact of the depth of a soil compaction layer on stormwater runoff and flooding in urban watersheds
Shirley Clark, Zorana Mijic, Jonathan Fischer and Travis Peters
ICWMM 2023

Identifying changes in the timing of heavy rainfall occurrence in Ontario, Canada
Albert Jiang
ICWMM 2023

Monitoring sewer solids for Covid-19 virus, methods and application
Steven Wright
ICWMM 2023

Modeling runoff dynamics from an urbanizing catchment to support the development of a management plan for a treatment wetland
Lihoun Teang, Muhammad Usman, Lloyd Chua and Kim Irvine
ICWMM 2023

Ecosystem-based adaptations for sustainable groundwater resources management in the Transboundary Cambodia-Vietnam Mekong Delta Aquifer, Lower Mekong region
Sujata Basnet, Sagar Shahi, Ho Huu Loc, S. Mohana Sundaram, Sangam Shrestha, Pen Sytharith and Nguyen Thi Hong Diep
ICWMM 2023

Predicting microbial health risks from roof harvested rainwater using animal fecal pathogens
David Damaree, John Johnston, Santosh Ghimire and Michael Jahne
ICWMM 2023

Can long-term sewershed-scale hydrology data for pre- and post-green infrastructure implementation be efficiently and effectively modeled using the SRTC tool in PCSWMM?
Andrew Roseboro, Ryan J Winston, Andrew Tirpak, Fang Cheng and Kathryn Boening-Ulman
ICWMM 2023

Supporting HEC-HMS hydrologic methods with SWMM hydraulics using Python scripting
Hailiang Shen
ICWMM 2023

Integrating PySWMM and Pymoo for automatic model calibration: an application to groundwater modeling
Mayra Rodriguez, G. Fu, D. Butler, G.B. Cavadini and L. Cook
ICWMM 2023

Stormwater management integrating Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) for flood mitigation on the Texas Tech Campus
Fatema Ali Tushi
ICWMM 2023

Uncontrolled air pocket release and geysering in upstream dropshafts in stormwater systems
Jose G. Vasconcelos, Leandro C. Pinto, Liriane E. Bock, Rutineia Tassi and Daniel G. Allasia
ICWMM 2023

Hydraulic modeling and analysis of inline hydrodynamic separator units
Wilton Chang
ICWMM 2023

Urban catch basin modeling - techniques and calculations: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the flow-by
Kyle Burton
ICWMM 2023

The impact of RTC implementation on the performance of green roofs in urban drainage systems
Shahrzad Hamidiaala, Abbas Jazaeri, Shirkhani, Abdolmajid Mohammadia and Sophie Duchesne
ICWMM 2023

Using AI model for sanitary sewer hydrology
Mel Meng
ICWMM 2023

Integrating hydrometeorological data analysis and sewer hydraulic modeling for asset/utility management – two case studies
Henry Forkuo Junior Boateng and Ali Nakhli
ICWMM 2023

Evaluation of a GIS-based flood hazard assessment in Rochester, Minnesota
Michael Talbot, Camilla Correll, Sarah Voje and Paul Nation
ICWMM 2023

Evaluation of surface flooding vulnerability for large scale models
Simon Deslauriers and Gilles Rivard
ICWMM 2023
2022 Presentation Abstracts 35 abstracts
Keynote: It’s all pipes, what's the difference?
Lewis A. Rossman
ICWMM 2022

Evaluating resilience for existing drainage systems: from theory to applied modeling
Gilles Rivard
ICWMM 2022

GIS integrated SWMM modeling - A case study in Lethbridge
Adam McDonald, Andrew Rushworth, Laurel Richards, Carmen Janzen and Matthew Harker
ICWMM 2022

Applying probable annual risk to a regional stormwater management program
George Remias
ICWMM 2022

Application of PCSWMM for water distribution network design for Jal Jeevan Mission
Sri Ranga K M and Shyam Prasad
ICWMM 2022

An integrated approach to improve the sewer networks of Ho Chi Minh City located in a coastal low land area subject to climate change and subsidence
Nelly Peyron, Romain Viavant and Loeiz Thetiot
ICWMM 2022

Using PCSWMM and HEC-RAS-1-D unsteady sediment transport models to assess the effectiveness of environmental site design
David Sample, Theresa Wynn-Thompson, Mohammad Alsmadi and Sami Towsif Khan
ICWMM 2022

Systematic stormwater management: Getting the hydrology right
Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2022

Width parameter estimation through equivalent rectangle methodology
Ricardo Bonilla and Rafael Oreamuno
ICWMM 2022

Considering underground structure for 1D/2D urban flood modeling
Martina Hauser, S. Reinstaller, Martin Oberascher, Dirk Muschalla and Manfred Kleidorfer
ICWMM 2022

A study of urban flooding mitigation using PCSWMM and HEC-RAS 2D
Robson L. Pachaly and Jose G. Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2022

Quantification of flooding for stormwater infrastructure planning in Pouch Cove, NL with communal model calibration
Abena O. Amponsah, Joseph Daraio and Brian Peach
ICWMM 2022

City of Fredericton flood risk assessment using PCSWMM
Naomi Vaset, Oliver Olberg and Alex Mason
ICWMM 2022

Improving model hydrology accuracy using antecedent moisture modeling: Reparameterization update and case study
David Edgren, Robert Czachorski and William Gonwa
ICWMM 2022

Python fosters and accelerates innovation in daily modeling tasks
Mel Meng, Elefante Dominador and Lou Lambe
ICWMM 2022

Enhancing the pollutant modeling capabilities of EPA-SWMM using PySWMM and StormReactor
Abhiram Mullapudi, Brooke Mason, Jia Xin (Jennifer) Wu, Constantine Karos, Branko Kerkez, Caleb Buahin and Bryant McDonnell
ICWMM 2022

Modeling concurrent improvement of water quality and crop production in Canadian Prairies
Sepideh Kheirkhah and Monireh Faramarzi
ICWMM 2022

Keynote - To the cloud and beyond -- a future of integrated continuous simulation
Ben Hodges
ICWMM 2022

The agrihood design: Valuation of ecosystem services for NbS visions in Peri-Urban Bangkok, Thailand
Kim N. Irvine, Fa Likitswat, Alisa Sahavacharin, Tararat Lertwarapornpong and Detchphol Chitwatkulsiri
ICWMM 2022

Multi criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach to evaluate the applicability of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) in tropical regions
Fahad Ahmed and Ho Huu Loc
ICWMM 2022

Simulating hydraulics of large water drainage systems in HPC environments using the new SWMM5+ engine
Edward Tiernan, Cheng-Wei (Justin) Yu and Ben Hodges
ICWMM 2022

Modeling the impact of LID for stormwater quality management in the Bongani stream catchment, Knysna, South Africa
Calvin David van der Merwe and Neil Philip Armitage
ICWMM 2022

Experiments on air-water interfaces in emptying pipes
Jose G. Vasconcelos and Malusi Dlamini
ICWMM 2022

Methodological approach for the optimization of a dynamically controlled bypass chamber
Yves Dion, Alain Charron, Martin Pleau and Nicholas Read
ICWMM 2022

Growing challenges of rapid filling conditions in urban hydraulic systems
Daniel G Allasia, Rutineia Tassi, Leandro Pinto, Robson L. Pachaly, Vitor Geller, Liriane Bock and Jose Goes Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2022

A CFD-based hydraulic analysis of a water intake tower and a downstream pump station
Mark Wilsnack
ICWMM 2022

Optimized calibration of RTK parameters in sanitary collection systems for wet weather, a Canadian case study
Saeed Hashemi, John Myers and Andrew Long
ICWMM 2022

Estimating census population contributions to crAssphage measured at wastewater treatment plants in Ohio
Corinne Wiesner-Friedman, Nichole Brinkman, Scott Keely and Michael Jahne
ICWMM 2022

Albany GA’s decision analysis systems approach to eliminate combined sewer overflows
Joseph Threadcraft, K. Bruce Maples, Stacey Rowe, Jeffrey Hughes, Brian Jackson, Nandana Perera, Hailiang Shen and Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2022

The odd couple: Sewer overflow modeling and the similarities between Pittsburgh, PA, and North Carolina
Henry Forkuo Junior Boateng
ICWMM 2022

Analysis and effective design of green alleys with significant longitudinal slope
William Gonwa
ICWMM 2022

Improvements to OSTRICH-SWMM: A multi-LID and multi-algorithm optimization software tool
Maria Torres, Alan Rabideau, Shawn Matott and Zhenduo Zhu
ICWMM 2022

Storm parks: Integrated urban wetland systems for stormwater management and placemaking
Sahil Sharma
ICWMM 2022

Interaction of surface water and groundwater in a complex hydroclimatic system
Rahman Davtalab, Saba Ghotbi and Caroline Reynolds
ICWMM 2022

Field-collected continuous flow rate and rain gauge data as PCSWMM calibration inputs for EES modeling
Claire Wittnebel
ICWMM 2022
2021 Presentation Abstracts 31 abstracts
Keynote: Career modeling: Your signature dish
Brittany Stahl
ICWMM 2021

Small urban tree rainfall interception measurements for inclusion into WinSLAMM, the source loading and management model
R. Pitt, R. Bean, J. Vooheesw, M. Elliot
ICWMM 2021

Pounding the pavement for payment – An update on stormwater user fees in Canada
Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2021

Climate change implications: Environmental approaches to assist protection of coastal cities
Edward McBean
ICWMM 2021

A preview of the next SWMM 5 update
Lewis A. Rossman
ICWMM 2021

PySWMM-v1.0 Release: Advancing the Python interface to stormwater management for now and into the future
Jennifer Wu, Caleb Buahin, Bryant E. McDonnell, Abhiram Mullapudi, Ruben Kertesz
ICWMM 2021

Analysis of mixed-flow model results to detect incorrect air-water interaction predictions
Steven J. Wright
ICWMM 2021

Towards scalable parametric/stochastic analysis for 2D hydrodynamic modeling via process containerization
Todd Chapman
ICWMM 2021

Comparison of new finite-volume SWMM5+ Saint-Venant solver to SPRNT and SWMM5
Edward Tiernan, Gerardo Riaño-Briceño, Cheng-Wei Yu, Sazzad Sharior, Eric Jenkins, Dr. Ben R. Hodges
ICWMM 2021

Insights into green roof modeling using SWMM LID controls for detention-based designs
Scott Jeffers
ICWMM 2021

The effectiveness of green infrastructure at improving water quality and reducing flooding at the watershed scale
Katherine L. Meierdiercks, Nicholas F. McCloskey
ICWMM 2021

Modelling the retrofit of existing industrial/commercial lands with aggregated and communal green infrastructure LID practices in the Southdown District of Mississauga, Ontario
Asif Bhatti, Phil James, Nandana Perera, Kat Finney
ICWMM 2021

Modeling rainfall run-off responses and antecedent moisture effects using principles of system identification
Robert Czachorski, OHM Advisors
ICWMM 2021

Best practice of intelligent algorithms to optimise and prioritize capital investments and asset rehabilitation
Joel Wilson, Alvaro Cañizares, Sasa Tomic, David Garcia, Stephen King, Daniel White
ICWMM 2021

Comparison of flood simulation results using rainfall data sourced at different temporal patterns and spatial scales
Thivanka Dharmasena, Lloyd HC Chua, Hongkui Zhang
ICWMM 2021

Project management solutions for integrating asset tracking and inspections
Olivia Devereux
ICWMM 2021

Keynote: The science and engineering behind EPA’s water modeling – Celebrating 50 years of progress and charting a path for the future
Regan Murray
ICWMM 2021

USEPA’s Research for the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)
Michelle Simon
ICWMM 2021

Informing design visioning through dynamic modelling – Better practices for nature-based solutions
Kim N. Irvine, Kotchakorn Voraakhom, Asan Suwanarit, Detchphol Chitwatkulsiri
ICWMM 2021

Thermal mitigation of stormwater management pond outflows using geothermal cooling
Erik Janssen
ICWMM 2021

Development and use of innovative modeling tools for a better and more efficient management of water system networks of Montpellier City in France
Nelly Peyron, Benoit Drouzy, Rob James
ICWMM 2021

Integrating transient simulation in water networks (TSNet) model into PCSWMM for transient analysis in water distribution systems
Hailiang Shen
ICWMM 2021

Bottom-up approach for energy balance of water distribution pumping station: Case study from Bangkok, Thailand
Kittikun Wongpeerak, Jiramate Changklom, Surachai Lipiwattanakarn, Adichai Pornprommin
ICWMM 2021

An energy assessment on the water distribution network with deficient data quality: A case study in Samutprakarn, Thailand
Natchapol Charuwimolkul, Chaiyaporn Charoenchim, Adichai Pornprommin, Surachai Lipiwattanakarn, Jiramate Changklom
ICWMM 2021

Monitoring of pressure transients in a large water transmission system
Biren Saparia, Bryon Wood, Ahmad Abdallah, Tara McClinton, Joe Burchi, Laura Radtke, Steven Jin
ICWMM 2021

Evaluating the performance of a non-oscillatory TPA approach in mixed flow analysis of sewer pipes with different shapes
David Khani, Yeo How Lim, Ahmad Malekpour
ICWMM 2021

A continued evaluation of United States Bureau of Reclamation type IX baffled chute spillway design procedures
Ian Gstalder, Alexander Williams, Christopher J. Brown, Raphael Crowley
ICWMM 2021

Combined impacts of compaction and microburst storms on runoff from an area of the Penn State Harrisburg Campus
Benjamin Clemmer, Shirley E Clark, Faegheh Moazeni
ICWMM 2021

Sensitivity of peak flow response to imperviousness increase in a tropical Caribbean urban catchment
Álvaro González-Álvarez, Mauricio Herrera-Piñeres, Orlando M. Marimón-Viloria
ICWMM 2021

Maximizing return on investment using intelligent algorithms to prioritize capital improvements for City of Springfield, MO
Joel Wilson, Andrew Faulkner, Zach Martin, Trent Stober
ICWMM 2021

New daily demand patterns and the financial reality
Casey Garland, Nina Caraway
ICWMM 2021
2020 Presentation Abstracts 39 abstracts
Lessons from five decades with SWMM and friends
Wayne C. Huber
ICWMM 2020

Detailed CSO modeling and evaluation of green infrastructure impacts on global planning
Simon Deslauriers, Gilles Rivard and Alain Charron
ICWMM 2020

Urban tree rainfall interception measurements and modeling in WinSLAMM
Ryan Bean, Bob Pitt, John Voorhees and Mark Elliott, University of Alabama, AL, USA
ICWMM 2020

Stormwater project prioritization: using hydrologic modeling, water quality modeling, and infrastructure condition assessment to optimize investments
Paul M. Hudalla
ICWMM 2020

Quantity control performance metrics for stormwater management facilities
Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2020

Discovering metamorphic relations from OpenSWMM
Xuanyi Lin, Michelle Simon, Zedong Peng and Nan Niu
ICWMM 2020

KathEA - development of a model-based risk and potential map for the use of thermal energy in wastewater
Dirk Muschalla, Stefan Reinstaller and Werner Sprung
ICWMM 2020

BIPquick: a tool for enhancing parallelizability of the new SWMM engine
Eddie Tiernan
ICWMM 2020

Recent developments towards a new hydraulic solver for SWMM
Ben Hodges, Ehsan Madadi-Kandjani, Edward Tiernan, Gerardo Andres Riano Briceno and Sazzad Sharior
ICWMM 2020

An educated modeling approach for RDII mitigation plan
Qiuli Lu, Hazem Gheith and Ranin Nseir
ICWMM 2020

Development of 1D-2D dual drainage model for commercial and industrial lands in the southdown district of Mississauga, Ontario
Asif Bhatti and Nandana Perera
ICWMM 2020

A new look at geyser formation in sewer systems
Steve Wright
ICWMM 2020

Development of a framework for fast transient analysis in sewer systems – S-TAF
Robson Pachaly, Jose G. Vasconcelos, Daniel Allasia and Rutineia Tassi
ICWMM 2020

Real-time pump efficiency evaluation program for a large water system
Biren Saparia and Steven Jin
ICWMM 2020

Implementation of a new master plan approach for the water distribution network of the Paris Orly airport platform
Nelly Peyron
ICWMM 2020

Bill James SWMM5 network similarity scores for quasi unitless testing of H&H models
Robert Dickinson and Charles Rowney
ICWMM 2020

Mountains, cities, and co-mingling floodplains – past and present evaluation of city drainage
Richard Gleason
ICWMM 2020

Dynamic road salt model at watershed scale
Alvaro B. Buoro, Ana Clara Correa, Harry Kolar, Lloyd Treinish and Mukul Tewari
ICWMM 2020

Identifying river inflow to a combined sewer system through comprehensive river level and flow meter analysis
Mark Pribak and Erinn Fahey and Chandan Sood and Geethani Jayakody
ICWMM 2020

Urban water infrastructure design in the context of climate change: a guideline for engineering practices
Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen
ICWMM 2020

Hydrologic modeling and stormwater management strategies to address intensification of rurally-serviced existing residential areas
Emma Haug-Kindellan, Patrick MacDonald and Matthew Senior
ICWMM 2020

Identifying flood risk areas in New Brunswick using GIS
Sheika Henry, Anne-Marie Laroche and Jasmin Boisvert
ICWMM 2020

Surge and air pockets release analysis of LOT and OARS tunnels in Columbus, Ohio
Hazem Gheith and Jose Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2020

Application of OSTRICH-SWMM for green infrastructure optimization: case study of the City of Buffalo
Maria Narine Torres, Kritina Macro, Shawn Matott, Zhenduo Zhu and Alan J. Rabideau
ICWMM 2020

RDII – the importance of calibration
Louis Andre Rinfret
ICWMM 2020

On the use of tracers in SWMM models to simulate water quality of combined sewer overflows
Peter Klaver, John Barton and Carrie Turner
ICWMM 2020

Developing dynamic river boundary conditions for historic and design storms combined sewer modeling
Mark Pribak and Erinn Fahey and Chandan Sood and Geethani Jayakody
ICWMM 2020

Biofilter media performance updates for WinSLAMM
Bob Pitt, Shirley Clark, Redahegn Sileshi,and John Voorhees
ICWMM 2020

Evaluating green roof detention with experimental and modeling approaches
Scott Jeffers
ICWMM 2020

Modeling a bioretention basin and vegetated swale with trapezoidal cross-sectional areas using SWMM’s LID control module
Julia Bond, Essoyeke Batchabani and Musandji Fuamba
ICWMM 2020

Ramsey Lake modelling for sub-watershed study & stormwater master plan
Golmar Golmohammadi, Dave Maunder and Paul Javor
ICWMM 2020

Accounting for climate change in future flow predictions of collection system and watershed modeling
Suibing Liu
ICWMM 2020

Integrated drainage modeling approach for linear infrastructure projects in urbanized areas
Bailey Sadowsky, Farzad Fahimi and Paul Haywood
ICWMM 2020

Activated sludge and fluid modeling in wastewater treatment
Adwaith Gupta, Anup Gokarn and Mike Barkhudarov
ICWMM 2020

Phased adaptation of enhanced flood protection from sea level rise along linear infrastructure in Honolulu, Hawaii
Audrey Fremier, Jack Hogan, Aihua Tang, Stephen Burges and Cindy Do
ICWMM 2020

Evaluating cellular confinement systems as an alternative to control post-construction stormwater channel erosion
Jose G. Vasconcelos and Leigh G. Terry
ICWMM 2020

Managing the “flushable” consumer products in sewer systems – the role of the modeling community
Darko Joksimovic, Barry Orr and Anum Khan
ICWMM 2020

B Shrestha, B Aldhafari, N Bear and A Shrestha
ICWMM 2020

Groundwater reservoir management scenarios in Yorkton area, Canada: effects of climate changes and the dynamic interchange with surface water
Arefin Haque, Amgad Salama, Kei Lob, Peng Wu
ICWMM 2020
2019 Presentation Abstracts 34 abstracts
Moving beyond stormwater: Changing climate, changing minds
Christine Zimmer
ICWMM 2019

Improvements to HEC-RAS floodplain elevations in the Allen Creek and design of hydraulic improvements for flood relief using EPA SWMM v5: case study from the Allen Creek in Ann Arbor, MI
Nathan Zgnilec
ICWMM 2019

Don Mills Channel – Advanced modeling and economic analysis of flood remediation in the City of Markham
Steve Hollingworth, Rob Muir, Rob Grech, Kate Rothwell and Karen Finney
ICWMM 2019

Snowmelt and rain-on-snow events: is a simplified modeling approach possible?
Gilles Rivard, Simon Deslauriers and Nicolas Gallant
ICWMM 2019

Dynamically coupling enhanced 1‐D sewer network and 2‐D surface routing for urban drainage
Hazem Gheith and Qiuli Lu
ICWMM 2019

Evaluating TELEMAC2D modeling accuracy by comparing with UK benchmark study results
Hailiang Shen
ICWMM 2019

Bill James SWMM network similarity score for machine learning classification
Robert Dickinson
ICWMM 2019

Implementation of a dynamic innovative strategy to manage the winter pollution flows on the Paris-CDG airport platform
Nelly Peyron and Jean-Yves Lepot
ICWMM 2019

Evaluation of water diplomacy for restoration of a trans-boundary wetland
Mohammad Ebrahim Banihabib and Sajad Najafi Marghmalek
ICWMM 2019

Flood risk in urban areas
John Covey
ICWMM 2019

Integrated urban flash flood modelling in hillside catchments
Stefan Leitner, Gerald Krebs and Dirk Muschalla
ICWMM 2019

A contemporary approach to establishing watershed-scale criteria for flood control
Aaron Farrell, Dilnesaw Chekol and Dilnesaw Chekol
ICWMM 2019

Extending low impact development (LID) API support to PySWMM and OpenWaterAnalytics SWMM5
Jennifer Wu, Ruben Kertesz and Bryant McDonnell
ICWMM 2019

Parameterizing unit hydrographs (UH) to account for rainfall derived inflow and infiltration (RDII) for multiple land uses under tropical climate
Ho Huu Loc, Kim N. Irvine, Lloyd Chua and Song Ha Le
ICWMM 2019

Keep calm and calibrate
Sam Shamsi
ICWMM 2019

Optimizing reservoir operation to include sediment management: A new approach tested for the Roseires Dam, Blue Nile River
Reem Digna, Pieter van der Zaag, Yasir Mohamed, Stefan Uhlenbrook and Mustafa Mukhtar
ICWMM 2019

Using enhanced urban drainage modeling to prioritize green infrastructure efficiencies
Hazem Gheith, Khaled Abdo and Qiuli Lu
ICWMM 2019

Regional stormwater BMPs
Larry Tortuya
ICWMM 2019

An ASCE-Inspired investigation of the model-dependent stormwater management benefits of retrofitted extended tree pits in Hamilton, ON
Robert Rawlins and Yiping Guo
ICWMM 2019

Evaluation of Etobicoke exfiltration system applications in the City of Barrie
Parto Peyvandisani, James Li and Darko Joksimovic
ICWMM 2019

Case study: Assessing the performance of bioretention basins in an urban drainage system
Julia Bond and Musandji Fuamba
ICWMM 2019

Effectiveness of low impact development practices in flood attenuation
Vali Ghorbanian
ICWMM 2019

Outline of a new computational engine for SWMM
Ben Hodges, Charles Rowney and Ehsan Madadi-Kandjani
ICWMM 2019

Surge analysis of OARS tunnel in Columbus, Ohio: Unsteady flow simulation and surge evaluation in rapid filling tunnel
Hazem Gheith, Tiantian Xiang and Jose G. Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2019

Continuity error comparison between SWMM 5.1 and SWMM 5.1 spatially discretized using quality assurance test cases
Robson Pachaly, Jose Vasconcelos, Daniel Allasia, and Joao Bocchi,
ICWMM 2019

An artificial intelligence predictive model for turbidity current concentration in reservoirs
Sara Baghalian and Masoud Ghodsian
ICWMM 2019

Buried water infrastructure and artificial intelligence opportunities
Ed McBean and Brett Snider
ICWMM 2019

Evaluation of consequence of failure for water pipelines using surface water modeling
Karl San Luis, Amin Ganjidoost and Craig Daly
ICWMM 2019

Using PCSWMM's SRTC tool to calibrate the time-area runoff hydrology in MIKE URBAN
Suibing Liu
ICWMM 2019

Assessing the impact of climate change using coupled downscale GCM with PCSWMM at operational level in Hengqin Island of Zhuhai, China
Qingqing Yang, Zhengduo Bao and Nian She
ICWMM 2019

Operation of the grand Ethiopian renaissance dam: Potential risks and mitigation measures
Nourhan Abdelazim, Hesham Bekhit, and Mohamed Allam
ICWMM 2019

Multi-Event calibration versus single event calibration results in better interaction with design storms
Ken Orie and Nina Caraway
ICWMM 2019

Systematic stormwater management: Getting the rainfall right
Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2019

Understanding the climate change impacts on water supply security of Myponga Reservoir, Adelaide
Phuong Do and Subhashini Wella Hewage
ICWMM 2019
2018 Presentation Abstracts 47 abstracts
Revisionist urban drainage modeling history
William James
ICWMM 2018

US EPA's future role for the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM)
Michelle Simon
ICWMM 2018

Flow duration curves for the evaluation of LID effectiveness
Chris Brooker
ICWMM 2018

The critical need to completely protect headwaters
Mike Wilton
ICWMM 2018

Another way to use (PC)SWMM - Dynamic modeling of wave oscillations in a canal
William James and Nelly Peyron
ICWMM 2018

Integrated plan combining house-level I/I mitigation program and GI technology to avoid street flooding - Case study: Newton-Bedford blueprint Columbus
Hazem Gheith
ICWMM 2018

The nexus of climate change, population, and water security; Implications for engineering need
Ed McBean
ICWMM 2018

QA QC hydraulic comparison of InfoWorks ICM, SWMM5 and XPSWMM for gravity partial, pressure and force main flows with slopes that are flat, adverse and steep with and without link offsets
Robert E. Dickinson and Anthony Kuch
ICWMM 2018

Locating and evaluating the costs and benefits of urban LID retrofits
Mike Talbot and Nandana Perera
ICWMM 2018

Foundations for multi-thread parallel computation in stormwater network models
Ben Hodges and Charles A. Rowney
ICWMM 2018

Evaluation and simulation of a large-scale pilot water farm project in South Florida, USA
Christopher J. Brown
ICWMM 2018

Evaluating the stormwater management model accuracy in mixed flows conditions
Jose G. Vasconcelos, Yasemin Eldayih, Yang Zhao and Jalil A. Jamily
ICWMM 2018

Low impact development strategies for wetland modeling
Ellen Hachborn and Jake McQueen
ICWMM 2018

Modeling urban sewers with artificial fractal geometries
Scott Jeffers and Franco Montalto
ICWMM 2018

Integrated catchment-reservoir modeling to support smart management of reservoir resources in Singapore
Yang Peipei, Lloyd Chua and Kim N. Irvine
ICWMM 2018

Application of a hydraulic and pneumatic transient model to investigate pavement heaving near a drop structure for a large-diameter relief sewer in a combined sewer system
Peter Klaver, Joshua Hallsten and Jon Bergenthal
ICWMM 2018

2D modeling in urban areas: A case study comparing side by side PCSWMM 2D and HEC-RAS 2D
Simon Deslauriers and Gilles Rivard,
ICWMM 2018

Tracking urban contaminant fate and transport: An application of PySWMM and the USEPA SWMM5 API
Katherine Ratliff and Anne Mikelonis
ICWMM 2018

Statistical distribution of TSS event loads from small urban environments
Dominik Leutnant, Mathias Uhl and Dirk Muschalla
ICWMM 2018

Modeling the washoff of particulate and dissolved pollutants from urban catchments: is the behaviour of all stormwater pollutants made equal?
Jarrod Gaut, Lloyd Chua and Kim N. Irvine
ICWMM 2018

Modeling of suspended sediment concentration using conventional and machine learning approaches in Thames River, London, Canada
Issam Mohamed and Imtiaz Shah
ICWMM 2018

How good is your model?
Sam Shamsi and Leisha Pica
ICWMM 2018

Application of real-time weather forecast in collection system operation
Tiantian Xiang and Hazem Gheith
ICWMM 2018

Calibrating the stormwater management model: an automated, genetic approach
Edward Tiernan and Ben Hodges
ICWMM 2018

Using a coupled modeling approach on pilot areas to better understand system-wide impacts from rainfall-derived inflow and infiltration (RDII)
Bryan Rogne, Brown, Conor Bury and Lita Laven
ICWMM 2018

Quantifying base infiltration in the municipal sanitary sewer systems of York Region
Robert Major and Ranin Nseir
ICWMM 2018

A quantitative statistical analysis of rainfall-derived infiltration and inflow into the sanitary sewer system – A case study of the City of London, Ontario
Albert Jiang and Ed McBean
ICWMM 2018

High resolution topo mapping: How much can LIDAR improve modeling of LID/GI and what lessons can we glean for design practices?
Ruben Kertesz and Dan Murray
ICWMM 2018

Rapid clean-out apparatus for permeable pavers: Initial laboratory tests
Sachet Siwakoti, Bahram Gharabaghi, Andrew Binns, Andrea Bradford and Edward McBean
ICWMM 2018

A comprehensive review on available tools for modeling low impact development (LID) techniques in lab, small and large-scale watersheds
S. Kaykhosravi, U.T Khan and A.M Jadidi
ICWMM 2018

Need to improve SWMM's subsurface flow routing algorithm for green infrastructure modeling
Joong Gwang Lee, William Shuster and Sudhir Kshirsagar
ICWMM 2018

Evaluation of partial duration and annual maxima series rainfall models using the low impact development treatment train tool
Sandra Vrban, Yi Wang, Ed McBean and Bahram Gharabaghi
ICWMM 2018

Open channel junction’s flow field simulation and flowmetery accuracy in different discharge ratios and confluence angles
Hossein Bonakdari and Bahram Gharabaghi
ICWMM 2018

Time savings with ESRI collector application for stormwater management
Chad Boyer
ICWMM 2018

Calibrate the constrained data to develop unconstrained annual hydrographs
Suibing Liu, Susan E. Moisio, Pedro Quiros Pierce and James B. Ferguson
ICWMM 2018

SCADA + SWMM - HYDROLOGY = Data driven modeling of SSO 700 storage and treatment facility in Cincinnati
Reese Johnson, Melissa Gatterdam, Bryant E. McDonnell, Ruben Kertesz, Fred Myers, Luis Montestruque and Elena Rubchinskaya
ICWMM 2018

Flow control on a new residential sector in a natural area using a 2D-Double drainage model: A case study
Leonardo Cisneros
ICWMM 2018

Field evaluation of discretized model setup for the stormwater management model
Robson L. Pachaly, Jose G. Vasconcelos and Daniel Allasia
ICWMM 2018

Toward fundamental pollutant routing and treatment modeling within stormwater control measures using computational fluid dynamics
David Spelman and John Sanslaone
ICWMM 2018

Updating aging LiDAR for flood mitigation modeling
Mike Talbot and Derek Lash
ICWMM 2018

Analyses of the hydrologic performance of bioretention facilities
Seyed Amirali Alinaghian and James Li
ICWMM 2018

Field evaluation of highway runoff pollutant removal efficiency using compost filter media
Duncan McTaggart, William Trenouth, Stephen Stajowski, Hani Farghaly and Bahram Gharabaghi
ICWMM 2018

Breaking Bad: robust Breakout detection based on E-Divisive with Medians (EDM) for modeling data qality control
Hao Zhang
ICWMM 2018

Relative Effects of EIA Alternatives on Urban Hydrology in the Greater Port-Harcourt Watershed
Nimi Dan-Jumbo
ICWMM 2018

Spore Washoff from Impervious Surfaces: The Building of an Indoor Rainfall Simulator
Anne Mikelonis, Jason Colon, Dahman Touati, Katherine Ratliff, Sang Don Lee1 and Worth Calfee
ICWMM 2018

Evaluating the suitability of application of hydrological models in a mixed land use watershed
Anil Acharya
ICWMM 2018

Evaluating the Performance of Backwater Valves as a Lot-Level Approach to Reducing Basement Flooding in Canadian Homes
Sandra Dusolt
ICWMM 2018
2017 Presentation Abstracts 58 abstracts
Sensitivity analysis of the downstream flooding impacts of stormwater management ponds in the Sawmill River watershed using continuous simulation modeling
Jeff Marvin, CBCL Limited, Halifax, NS, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Evidence-based policy gaps in water resources - Thinking fast and slow on floods and flow
Robert Muir, City of Markham, Markham, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Comparison of watershed-scale hydrological and hydraulics model for Chambery region in France using 2D and integrated 1D-2D PCSWMM models
Nelly Peyron, HydroPraxis, Montpellier, France and Karen Finney, CHI, Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Generating and leveraging an exhaustive suite of flood mitigation model scenarios to identify an optimized and flexible capital improvement implementation sequence
Adam Erispaha, CDM Smith, Philadelphia, PA, USA and Christine Brown, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA
ICWMM 2017

Design with nature (revisited): How a rain garden design, construction, and post-construction monitoring program promotes eco-literacy in Singapore
K.N. Irvine, National Institute of Education and Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, S.B.K. Tan and Lim Hong Yi, AECOM, Singapore, Ong. G.S and E. Chen, Public Utilities Board, Singapore
ICWMM 2017

Fort Allen flooding mitigation based on dynamic modeling
Ken Orie, Gibson-Thomas, Latrobe, PA, USA
ICWMM 2017

Towards rapidly cleaned out permeable interlocking concrete pavers: Initial field tests
William James, CHI, Guelph, ON, Canada, Harold von Langsdorff, F. Von Langsdorff LIC. LTD., Caledon, ON, Canada and Michael McIntyre, Unilock Group of Companies, Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Holistic graphs and reports for all Object.h parameters in SWMM 5.1.011 for future data mining and as an aid in increasing our prior knowledge of modeling processes
Robert E. Dickinson, Innovyze, Tampa, FL, USA
ICWMM 2017

Watershed assessment and mitigation of urban impacts using continuous simulation
Jim Dumont, Consultant, Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada
ICWMM 2017

SWMM5 API extension and PySWMM: A python interfacing wrapper
Bryant E. McDonnell, EmNet LLC, South Bend, IN, USA, Michael E. Tryby, US EPA, Cincinnati, OH, USA and Luis A. Montestruque, Ruben Kertesz and Fred Myers, EmNet LLC, South Bend, IN, USA
ICWMM 2017

Stormwater modeling, mapping & analysis for Cane Creek watershed Memphis, TN
Kulvir Singh and Michael Taylor, AECOM, Atlanta, GA, USA
ICWMM 2017

Green-first approach for wet weather programs
Sam Shamsi, Jacobs Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
ICWMM 2017

Utilizing street trees for sustainable stormwater management
Alison Duffy, Joseph Akunna and Robert Peter, University of Abertay Dundee, Scotland and Jeremy Bailey, GreenBlue Urban, Woodstock, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Modeling and monitoring low impact development (LID) practices at Calgary, Alberta
David Seeliger, Miao Yu and Joel Thompson, MPE Engineering, Calgary, AB, Canada, Natalya Sapova, Bert van Duin, City of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada and Myles Gray, Geosyntec, Portland, OR, USA
ICWMM 2017

Assessing value of natural assets for stormwater services
Saini Sakshi and Amanjot Singh, Credit Valley Conservation Authority, Mississauga, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Strategic emplacement of BMPs in an urban drainage system: A case study in the Montreal area
Mauricio Carvallo Aceves, Musandji Fuamba and Jessica Angui, Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
ICWMM 2017

SWMM and EPANET: Fostering a community development strategy
A. Charles Rowney, ACR, LLC, Longwood, FL, USA, Ben Hodges, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA and Michael Tryby and Robert Janke, US EPA, Cincinnati, OH, USA
ICWMM 2017

Turcot interchange in Montreal - Urban drainage modeling for multi-purpose analysis
Elsa Sormain, WSP Canada, Montreal, QC, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Stormwater pumping station operation scheme analysis for discharging dry weather stored water ahead of storm event
Li Shuping, Jiang Xiaodong, Shen Jiong, Yang Chao, Hou Yudong and Zou Jun, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
ICWMM 2017

Simulating head losses in hydraulic drop structures in SWMM, with a little help from CFD
Peter Klaver and Jason Rutyna, LimnoTech, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, Dave Collins, David J. Collins Engineering, Portland, OR, USA and Kurt Robinson, City of Portland, Portland, OR, USA
ICWMM 2017

Empowering SWMM to capture waterhammer pressures in sewer flow pipe systems
Ahmad Malekpour, HydraTek & Associates, Vaughan, ON, Canada, Bryan Karney, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada and Djordje Radulj, HydraTek & Associates, Vaughan, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Conestoga College South Campus stormwater management system long-term monitoring wrap-up
Brian Verspagen and Caroline Charbonneau, WalterFedy, Kitchener, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Intelligent unmanned aerial vehicle for city flooding monitoring
Z. J. Zhu and A. Z. Jiang, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, J. Lai, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China and Y. Xiang, B. Baird and E. McBean, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Use SWMM modeling to evaluate hydraulic and operation control measures of wetland, wastewater treatment plant and wet weather treatment
Suibing Liu, CH2M Hill, Cincinnati, OH, USA
ICWMM 2017

Defining appropriate design conditions for transient analysis of filling stormwater storage tunnels
Steven J. Wright, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA and Jose G. Vasconcelos, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
ICWMM 2017

Ten years of stochastic water supply modeling of Lower Colorado River Authority of Texas
Ronald E. Anderson and David Walker, Lower Colorado River Authority, Austin, TX, USA
ICWMM 2017

Manhole lid displacements created by the release of entrapped air pockets
Jue Wang and Jose G. Vasconcelos, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
ICWMM 2017

A new approach to resiliency analysis in water distribution systems
Ehsan Roshani and Fabian Papa, HydraTek & Associates, Vaughan, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Comparative analysis of the hydraulic performance of an urban drainage system between conventional solutions and sustainable techniques within a case study in Quito-Ecuador
Diego Mendez, EPMAPS, Quito-Ecuador
ICWMM 2017

Stealing from the market: A novel application of market based principles for real time collection system coordination
Ruben Kertesz, Bryant E. McDonnell and Luis A. Montestruque, EmNet LLC, South Bend, IN, USA
ICWMM 2017

The critical need to completely protect headwaters
Mike Wilton, Algonquin Eco Watch, Spring Bay, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Minimizing assumptions and overcoming challenges of watershed modeling in the Pacific Northwest Region
Bryce Whitehouse, David Zabil and Shayna Scott, Kerr Wood Leidal Consulting Engineers, Burnaby, BC, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Stormwater pollutant process analysis with long-term online monitoring data at micro scale sites
D. Leutnant, D. Muschalla and M. Uhl, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
ICWMM 2017

Modeling catchbasins and inlets in SWMM
Matt Senior, Ron Scheckenberger and Brian Bishop, Amec Foster Wheeler, Burlington, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Urban fate and transport modeling of contaminants: The unique needs of emergency response and the potential for adapting existing models
Anne Mikelonis, Timothy Boe, Worth Calfee and Sang Don Lee, US EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
ICWMM 2017

Case study for Chicago River watershed: Physical modeling vs. data driven modeling for an urban watershed
Naila Mahdi, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Doha, Qatar
ICWMM 2017

Jonglei canal project under the potential developments in Upper Nile States
Mariam Allam, Hesham Bekhit, Alaa Elzawahry and Mohamed Allam, Cario University, Egypt
ICWMM 2017

Spatial patterns of heavy metals in the deposited sediments at the Cha-Am municipality wastewater treatment ponds system
Vicko Andreas, Mahidol University, Thailand, K.N. Irvine, National Institute of Education and Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Ranjna Jindal and Romanee Thongdara, Mahidol University, Thailand
ICWMM 2017

Greywater quality changes in laboratory scale vegetative biofiltration prototypes
Rezaul Chowdhury and Jameelu S. Abaya, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE
ICWMM 2017

Basin peak flood prediction using nonlinear hysteresis model of basin water storage: A case study of the Koshi-Ganges basin
Pennan Chinnasamy, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
ICWMM 2017

A new concept to calibrate and evaluate hydrological model based on functional data analysis
Samah Larabi, Andre St-Hilaire and Fateh Chebana, Institute National de la Recherche Scientifique - Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Quebec City, QC, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Assessment of future water supply and demand in a river basin using water evaluation and planning (weap) system: Case study in South Africa
Yali E. Woyessa and A.S. Ayele, Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein, South Africa
ICWMM 2017

Evaluation of stream gauge density and concept of virtual gauges in Northern Ontario watersheds for hydrologic and hydraulic modeling
Elizabeth Philip and Jim McLaughlin, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Peterborough, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Study of the effect of water management practices on the trend of the river flow and groundwater level for flooding and drought conditions in a highly-managed watershed
Salam. A. Abbas and Yunqing Xuan, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom and Ryan Bailey, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
ICWMM 2017

Development of an innovative approach on the basis of model of environmental-economic balance to the management of sewage in Ukraine
Svitlana Karvan and Sergiy Goriashchenko, Khmelnytsky National University, Ukraine, Sergiy Petya, Car Wash Vodogray, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine and Oleg Demchuk, LLC Agency for Sustainable Development, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine
ICWMM 2017

GIS based urban surface runoff sub-model generation method
Guohan Zhao, Thomas Balstrom and Marina Bergen Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
ICWMM 2017

Risk assessment of flooding - the German and European approach
Jan Tecklenburg and Lothar Fuchs, itwh GmbH, Hanover, Germany
ICWMM 2017

Detention pond implementation feasibility analysis in a challenging barrier island environment affected by surface hydrology, hydrogeology and climate change: Miami Beach green infrastructure case study
Bruce A. Mowry, Carlos Tamayo and Elizabeth Wheaton, City of Miami Beach, FL, USA
ICWMM 2017

Automating model builds for sequence optimization of flood mitigation investment phases
Adam Erispaha, Sci-Tek Consultants, Philadelphia, PA, USA and Christine Brown, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA
ICWMM 2017

Center for infrastructure modeling and management
A. Charles Rowney, ACR, LLC, Longwood, FL, USA, Ben Hodges, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA and Michael Tryby adand Robert Janke, US EPA, Cincinnati, OH, USA
ICWMM 2017

Integrated recharge-groundwater flow model and evolutionary algorithms for the time and fractal domain assessment of groundwater levels
Abrar Habib, Adrian Butler, Imperial College London, London, UK, John Bloomfield and James Sorensen, British Geological Survey, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxon, UK
ICWMM 2017

Hydraulic considerations of high embankment detention basins: A case study within the proposed Spring Mountain Precinct, Queensland Australia
Netsanet E Shiferawm Cardno, Fortitude Valley, Australia
ICWMM 2017

An optimization operational model for of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)
Nourhan Abdelazim, Hesham Bekhit and Mohamed Allam, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
ICWMM 2017

Runoff continuous simulation of a large rural watershed with automatic calibration
Taehun Jung, Sangho Lee and Taeuk Kang, Pukyoung National University, Korea, Republic of Korea
ICWMM 2017

An experimental study of greywater irrigated green roof system in arid climates
Rezaul K. Chowdhury and Jameelu Abaya, UAE University, UAE
ICWMM 2017

Sensitivity analysis of hydraulic model
Khalid Oubennaceur and Karem Chokmani, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, INRS, Quebec, QC, Canada and Miroslav Nastev, Geological Survey of Canada, Quebec, QC, Canada
ICWMM 2017

Application of conceptual 2-D urban flood Inundation model considering river
Suk-Ho Lee, Jin-Hyuck Kim, Dong-Seop Lee, and Byoung-Sik Kim, Kangwon National University, Gangwon-do 033-570-6838, Republic of Korea
ICWMM 2017

Hamilton's 1860 Pumphouse – Hamilton Water Works.
William James
ICWMM 2017
2016 Presentation Abstracts 46 abstracts
A tribute to code initiators of the SWMM engine - and design environment
William James
ICWMM 2016

Rapid restoration of infiltration capacities in clogged permeable interlocking concrete pavers - proof of concepts
William James and Harald von Langsdorff
ICWMM 2016

1D, 2D & 3D hydrodynamic modeling of a Dyked Coastal River in the Bay of Fundy
Jeffrey Marvin and Alexander Wilson
ICWMM 2016

An illustrated guide to risk management: reconciling intensity, duration, and frequency from the watershed’s perspective
Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2016

Mathematical modelling of effluent quality of Cha-Am Municipality wastewater treatment pond system using PCSWMM
Anuva Bhowmick, Kim N. Irvine and Ranjna Jindal
ICWMM 2016

Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport – Detailed modeling of the stormwater network using PCSWMM 1D-2D and groundwater exfiltration
Philippe Tremblay
ICWMM 2016

Performance evaluation of two undersized retrofit stormwater control measures
James Houle, Thomas Ballestero and Timothy Puls
ICWMM 2016

Modeling investigation to support an integrated approach to the management of municipal water resources Southern Ontario
Mark de Lange and Ed McBean
ICWMM 2016

Development of a dynamical innovative strategy to manage the winter pollution flows on the international Paris Charles de Gaulle airport platform in France
Nelly Peyron, Jean-Yves Lepot and Patrick Savary
ICWMM 2016

Automatic discretization and parameterization of watersheds using a digital elevation model
Karen Finney, Rob James, Nandana Perera, Tiehong Xiao and Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2016

Using EPA SWMM to simulate and analyze the influence of downstream water levels on urban flooding in Zhenjiang City, China
Haozheng Wang and Nian She
ICWMM 2016

Integrating software technologies to improve stormwater management design and decision-making
Conrad Stang and Mike Petepiece
ICWMM 2016

Modeling of stormwater exfiltration system performance for a residential development in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
James Li and Carol Liu
ICWMM 2016

Using integrated 2D flood models to assist mines to optimally reclaim surface water for operational uses
Onno Fortuin, Robert Fortuin and Rob James
ICWMM 2016

Modeling LIDs using SWMM5 and MIDS Credit Calculator: Credit Valley Conservation’s Elm Drive case study
Saini Sakshi and Amanjot Singh
ICWMM 2016

Field evaluation of a Toronto green street technology
Patrick Cheung, James Li and Darko Joksimovic
ICWMM 2016

Comparison of conventional stormwater management vs. low impact development techniques for the Upper Thames River Watershed Conservation Centre using PCSWMM
Imtiaz Shah and Yinheng Chen
ICWMM 2016

Determining the validity of satellite-based measurements of groundwater level changes in Southern Ontario
Ellen Hachborn, Jana Levison and Aaron Berg
ICWMM 2016

Application of system dynamics modeling in urban stormwater management: A case study of Pullman City, Washington
Begum Rabeya Rushi and Muhammad Barik
ICWMM 2016

Creating an integrated dual drainage model in PCSWMM to assess drainage conditions and evaluate alternatives in a 100-hectare urban basin
Torben S. Ruddock and Hiran Sandanayake
ICWMM 2016

A robust and accurate low-cost method for monitoring duration of combined sewer overflows
Thomas Hofer, A. Montserrat, Gunter Gruber, Lluis Corominas, Valentin Gamerith and Dirk Muschalla
ICWMM 2016

Development of “Blueprint Columbus” green infrastructure design criteria and modeling approach
Fang Cheng
ICWMM 2016

Optimizing green/gray solutions to control stormwater flooding – Blueprint Columbus case study
Hazem Gheith, Qiuli Lu, Robert Herr, Fang Cheng and Gregory Barden
ICWMM 2016

Wetland modeling in PCSWMM to predict impacts of urbanization
Caroline Charbonneau and Andrea Bradford
ICWMM 2016

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater – Sampling collection and processing issues associated with particulate solids in stormwater
Robert Pitt and Shirley Clark
ICWMM 2016

Particle size distributions, routing in urban areas, and chemical characteristics
Robert Pitt, Shirley Clark and John Voorhees
ICWMM 2016

Spatial and temporal variation of dissolved oxygen in Cha-Am Municipality wastewater treatment ponds using GIS kriging interpolation
Shwesin K. Ko, Kim N. Irvine, Ranjna Jindal and Romanee Thongdara
ICWMM 2016

HSPEXP+: An Enhanced Expert System for Calibration of HSPF—A Case Study of the Snake River Watershed in Minnesota
Anurag Mishra, Anthony S. Donigian, Jr., Paul B. Duda, Brian R. Bicknell, Mark Gray
ICWMM 2016

Vulnerability rating of far north watersheds of Ontario
Elizabeth Philip, Kent Todd, Steve Damaia, Paul Staples and Taylor Wilkinson
ICWMM 2016

An EPA SWMM integrated tool for determining the storm runoff TSS reduction performance of bioretention cells
Thomas Tiveron, Soheil Gholamreza-Kashi and Darko Joksimovic
ICWMM 2016

2-Dimensional modelling to simulate stormwater flows at photovoltaic solar energy sites
Thomas E. Barnard, Mohamed Agnaou and James Barbis
ICWMM 2016

Real-time emergency response oil spill modelling with TELEMAC-2D
Hailiang Shen, Juraj Cunderlik and Ryan Shepherd
ICWMM 2016

Assessing SWMM 5 hydrologic parameter benefits for model calibration
Justin Siegrist, Uzair M. (Sam) Shamsi, Daniel Anderson, Joseph Koran, Dave White and Mark Pribak
ICWMM 2016

Data integration and modeling process for generating operational inflow forecasting in the Mattagami River basin
Steve McArdle, Aleksey Naumov and Trung Pham
ICWMM 2016

Machine learning and swarm intelligence for dynamic control of collection systems
Luis A. Montestruque and Timothy P. Ruggaber
ICWMM 2016

Simulating the Upper St. Johns River for extreme events
Christopher J. Brown and Amanda Tancreto
ICWMM 2016

Numerical simulation of air-triggered geysers using OpenFOAM
Jue Wang and Jose G. Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2016

Modeling of transient pneumatic events in a combined sewer overflow storage tunnel system: A novel approach for designing mitigations
Peter Klaver, Dave Collings, Kurt Robinson and Scott Bell
ICWMM 2016

New insights on the causes of explosives geysers in stormwater and combined sewer systems: A model for their prediction
Arturo Leon
ICWMM 2016

A SWMM based sewer ventilation model
Scott Lowe
ICWMM 2016

A case study for integrated modeling in urban drainage facilitating the interface approach
Roman Maier, Thomas Hofer, Günter Gruber and Dirk Muschalla
ICWMM 2016

Hydraulic characterization of porous materials using a rainfall simulator to model flows in natural and artificial non-saturated materials
F. X. Masson, H. B. Lefer, C. Boulemia and H. Naji
ICWMM 2016

Imputation of incomplete and missing data in water mains failure database: comparing three imputation methods
Golam Kabir, Solomon Tesfamariam and Rehan Sadiq
ICWMM 2016

Numerical simulation of salt water contamination in upper carbonate aquifer, Winnipeg, Manitoba
M.U. Arshad, K.P. Kaja and H.M Holländer
ICWMM 2016

Continuous calibration
Sam Shamsi and Joseph Koran
ICWMM 2016

Runoff checklist for successful continuous calibration modeling
Neila Salvadori, Hazem Gheith and Robert Herr
ICWMM 2016
2015 Presentation Abstracts 39 abstracts
On the potential of Whittington’s analytical approximation for computing within-element water surface profiles in SWMM
William James, Computational Hydraulics Int., Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

Modeling stormwater runoff from an urban park, Singapore
K.N. Irvine, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and H.C.L. Chua, Deakin University, Australia
ICWMM 2015

Updated version of the National Stormwater Quality Database NSQD (version 4.0)
Robert Pitt and Alex Maestre, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA
ICWMM 2015

Greenfield areas and rural hydrology with SWMM5
Gilles Rivard, Stantec, Laval, Quebec, Louis-Andre Rinfret, MH20, Montreal, Quebec, Canada and François Chrétien, Agriculture & Agrifood Canada, Quebec, Canada
ICWMM 2015

A right-of-way LID for stormwater management
James Y Li and Darko Joksimovic, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

SWMM enhancements for rural stormwater modeling
Cecilio Olivier, Emmons & Olivier Resources Inc., Oakdale, MI, USA
ICWMM 2015

Water quality and quantity analysis of agricultural BMPs using SWMM - Lake Huron South Eastern shore
Mike Talbot, Emmons & Olivier Resources Inc., Oakdale, MI, USA
ICWMM 2015

Parallelization of the SWMM5 engine and more
Rob James, Tiehong Xiao, Nandana Perera, Mark Randall and Karen Finney, Computational Hydraulics Int., Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

Integrated real time control of a central storage tunnel for minimization of sewer emissions in Graz, Austria
Roman Maier, Thomas Hofer, David Steffelbauer, Günter Gruber and Dirk Muschalla, Graz University of Technology, Stremayrgasse, Graz, Austria
ICWMM 2015

Operational implementation of collection system controls based on SWMM modeling for the City of Columbus, Ohio
Afaf Musa, Derek Wride and Ed Heyob, CDM Smith, Columbus, OH, USA and Rob Herr and Fang Cheng, City of Columbus, Columbus, OH, USA
ICWMM 2015

Dual drainage modelling of the Cooksville Creek watershed, Ontario
Neelam Gupta, Credit Valley Conservation, Mississauga, ON, Canada and Mark Randall, Computational Hydraulics Int, Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

A systematic review approach of long term metropolitan rainfall data from a large set of rain gauges
Qiuli Lu and Hazem Gheith, ARCADIS U.S., Inc., Columbus, OH, USA, Rob Herr, Greg Barden and Fang Cheng, City of Columbus, Columbus, OH, USA
ICWMM 2015

Cincinnati's SWMM model: A journey through time
Sam Shamsi, Jacob Engineering Group, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Ben Gamble, Joe Koran and Thomas Crawford, MSDGC, Cincinnati, OH, USA
ICWMM 2015

RDII contribution from new developments – design standard versus flow monitoring and continuous modeling approach
Shyam Prasad and Hazem Gheith, ARCADIS, Columbus, OH, USA, Rob Herr, Greg Barden and Fang Cheng, City of Columbus, Columbus, OH, USA
ICWMM 2015

Integrated planning for sewers-watermains
Vanessa Chau and Gareth Lifton, CH2M Hill, Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

Decision support system framework for design of low impact development based on SWMM5.1 using multi-scenario analysis
Jae Y. Song and Eun-Sung Chung, Soul National University, South Korea
ICWMM 2015

Evaluation of REILP scenarios toward a long-term planning of WRM system in Saudi Arabia
Badir S. Alsaeed and Lei Liu, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
ICWMM 2015

Automatic calibration for watershed runoff continuous simulation and water quality simulation of SWMM5
Sangho Lee, Pukoung National University, Korea, Taeuk Kang, K-water Research Institute, Korea and Taehun Jung, Pukoung National University, Korea
ICWMM 2015

Selection of locally available soil adsorbents for the development of household defluoridation unit
Beraki B. Mehari, Alfred O. Mayabi and Beatrice K. Kakoi, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
ICWMM 2015

On the uses of graph databases in water distribution systems
Adam Rose, XP Solutions, Portland, OR, USA
ICWMM 2015

Assessment of the potential for pressure transients due to trapped air compression in rapidly filling CSO tunnels
Steven J. Wright, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, Peter Klaver, LimnoTech Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, USA and Jose G. Vasconcelos, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
ICWMM 2015

2D hydraulic modelling of a flood vulnerable neighborhood
Robert Chan and Michael Heralall, TRCA, Downsview, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

The examination of flood risk in the Caribbean on island of Turks and Caicos and the solutions to address flooding
Michael Thompson and Paul Donahue, Dillon Consulting Ltd., Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

Qualitative approach to define age of sewersheds using physically based models
Shyam Prasad, Bryant McDonnell and Hazem Gheith, ARCADIS, Columbus, OH, USA, Rob Herr, Greg Barden and Fang Cheng, City of Columbus, Columbus, OH, USA
ICWMM 2015

Development of an innovative water hazard and risk management strategy based on a pilot integrated modeling tool on the sensitive Thau Lagoon in France
Nelly Peyron, HydroPraxis, France, Europe, Stephane Roumeau and Ludovic Cesmat, Syndicat Mixte du Bassin de Thau, France, Europe
ICWMM 2015

Comparison of three methodologies for quasi-2D river flooding modeling with EPA SWMM
John Beck, ATBA SA, Moutier Bern, Switzerland
ICWMM 2015

Quantifying the effect of variations in hydrologic, hydraulic, and hydrometeorological controls on inundation in urban areas
Behzad Nazari and Dong-Jun Seo, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA and Ranjan Muttiah, City of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX, USA
ICWMM 2015

Water and air: sewer ventilation modeling
Scott A. Lowe, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY, USA
ICWMM 2015

Identification of biological protection zones in Coastal Plain rivers of Southeastern U.S.
Alex Maestre and Milton Ward, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA
ICWMM 2015

Watershed modelling for predicting in-stream pathogen levels
Pramod Pandey, University of California, Davis, USA, Chris Rehmann and Michelle Soupir, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
ICWMM 2015

High-resolution flash flood forecasting for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex (DFW)
Dong-Jun Seo, Sunghee Kim, Hamideh Riazi, A. Norourzi, Jangyodsuk and J. Gao, University of Texas Arlington, TX, USA, P., Chandrasekar, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CA, USA, B. Philips and E. Lyons, University of Massachusetts Amherts, MA,
ICWMM 2015

The water utility risk integration matrix
Mark de Lange, Richard Harvey, Yi Wang and Edward McBean, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

On the interaction between stormwater drainage systems and rivers in urban areas: A case study located in Quebec City
Philippe Tremblay, Francois Groux, WSP Canada Inc., Quebec, Canada
ICWMM 2015

Assessment of finely discretized urban drainage models derived from WorldView-2 satellite imagery
Moh Moh Lin Khin, Darko Joksimovic and Ahmed Shaker, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

Modelling blue and green water resources availability in an Iranian data scarce watershed using SWAT model
L. Vasel and G.A. Sayyad, University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran, A. A. Besalatpour, University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran and B. Gharabaghi, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

Automating hydraulic transient model to enable efficient sensitivity analysis and calibration
Hailiang Shen, Juraj Cunderlik, and Chris Hunter, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Waterloo, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

Improving operational water quality forecasting with ensemble data assimilation
Dong-Jun Seo, Sunghee Kim and Hamideh Riazi, University of Texas Arlington, TX, USA and Changmin Shin, National Institute of Environmental Research, Incheon, Korea
ICWMM 2015

Modeling the water quality difference between the near-shore and offshore zones of Lake Ontario
Mijanur Chowdhury and Mathew Wells, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2015

Selecting appropriate synthetic hyetographs for use in SWMM to model runoff from discretised catchments in South Africa
Winston N. Nxumalo, Jones & Wagener Engineering & Environmental Consultants, Rivonia, South Africa
ICWMM 2015
2014 Presentation Abstracts 52 abstracts
The new Journal of Water Management Modeling
Rob James, Computational Hydraulics Int. (CHI), Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Modeling Stormwater Runoff for Reservoir Management in a Mixed Land Use Urban Watershed: Challenges of the Tropical Monsoon Climate of Singapore
K.N. Irvine, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Le S.H and Chau H.C.L, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
ICWMM 2014

Sustainable Adaptation Strategies to Climate-Change Driven Effects for Infrastructure in Urbanized Coastal Communities
Carlos Tamayo and Hector Fuentes, Florida International University, Miami, Florida
ICWMM 2014

Real-Time and Forecasted Flood Inundation Extents in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Cristiano de Padua Milagres Oliveira and Carla Voltarelli Franco da Silva, LabSid, Escola Politecnica, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP)., Brazil and Flavio Conde, Fundacao Centro Tecnologico de Hidraulica (FCTH). Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
ICWMM 2014

Analysis of Flood Control Alternatives: The Anhangabau Watershed, Brazil
Carla Voltarelli Franco da Silva, Fundacao Centro Tecnologico de Hidraulica , Sao Paulo, Brazil, Cristiano de Padua Milagres Oliveira, LabSid, Escola Politecnica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil and Luiz Fernando Orsini de Lima Yazaki, LabSid, Escola Politecnica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
ICWMM 2014

Development of an innovative approach based on 2D modeling for taking into account urban runoff flood risk into city land use planning
Nelly Peyron, HydroPraxis, Montpellier, France
ICWMM 2014

Floodplain and Dual Drainage Analysis using an Integrated 1D-2D SWMM Model - Simi Valley, California
Hassan Kasraie, Kasraie Consulting, Ventura, CA, USA, Brent Siemer, City of Simi Valley Public Works Department, Simi Valley, CA, USA, Rob James and Mark Randall, Computational Hydraulics Int., Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

The Challenges of Surface Water Management at large Opencast Mines – The Sishen Experience
Onno Fortuin, Onno Fortuin Consulting, Kimberley, South Africa
ICWMM 2014

Introduction of Seasonal Hydrologic Modeling Capability for SWMM
Rob James and Nandana Perera, Computational Hydraulics International, Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Overland Soil Erosion Estimates for Water Quality Modeling in SWMM
Nandana Perera and Rob James, Computational Hydraulics International, Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Modeling Sanitary Sewer Groundwater Inflow Rehabilitation Effectiveness in EPA-SWMM5 Using a Two Aquifer Approach
Brent Robinson, Brown and Caldwell, Seattle, WA, USA
ICWMM 2014

MTO Intensity-Frequency-Duration Renewal - Phase III: Validation of the Interpolation Tool
Ric Soulis, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Making Hydraulic Models Useful for Operations, Maintenance and Management: Mobile and Condition/Performance Trends
Adam Rose, XP Solutions, Portland, OR, USA
ICWMM 2014

Incorporation of Canadian RADAR data for historical event analysis
Karen Finney, Computational Hydraulics Int., Guelph, ON, Canada and David Blades, Halifax Water, Halifax, NS, Canada
ICWMM 2014

The Integrated Stormwater Management Process in British Columbia. Case Study: Ocean Bluff and Chantrell Creek Drainage Areas in the City of Surrey
Mauricio Herrera, Tetra Tech, Vancouver, BC, Canada and David Hislop, City of Surrey, Surrey, BC, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Waterloo’s Stormwater Utility Fee and Credit Program
Poly Modak and Todd Chapman, Water Services, City of Waterloo
ICWMM 2014

A Lagrange transport approach for water quality modelling
Dirk Muschalla, Graz University of Technology, Austria and Jens Alex, IFAK Magdeburg e.V., Germany
ICWMM 2014

An application Support Vector Machine model technique for Biochemical Oxygen Demand Prediction
A Najah, Dept. Engineering Science, University Malaysia Terengganu and A. El-Shafie, Dept. Civil & Structural Eng, University Kebangsaan Malaysia
ICWMM 2014

Comparing unsteady modeling approaches of surges caused by sudden air pocket compression
T. Hatcher, Department of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA, A. Malekpour, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, J. Vasconcelos, Department of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA and B. Karney, Department of Civil Engineer
ICWMM 2014

Robust parameter estimation framework of rainfall-runoff model with combining Pareto optimality and composite programming
KwangJai Won, Eun-Sung Chung, and Boram Lee, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, South Korea and Yeonjoo Kim, Korean Environmental Institute, , South Korea
ICWMM 2014

An automated calibration of the SWMM with the role of groundwater component in a rural area
Sangho Lee, Taehun Jung, Pukyong National University, Korea and Taeuk Kang, K-water Research Institute, Korea
ICWMM 2014

Optimizing Real-Time Control Model Rules for Operational Implementation for the City of Columbus, Ohio
Ed Heyob, Afaf Musa and Derek Wride, CDM Smith, Columbus, Ohio, USA, Rob Herr and Fang Chang, City of Columbus, Ohio, USA
ICWMM 2014

Flow-Duration Hydrograph Analyses for Assessing LID Performance
Mike Gregory, AECOM, Kitchener, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

GIS Model Builder – An Automated Process for Building High Resolution SWMM Models for Quantifying RDII from Various Sources
Shyam Prasad, Hazem Gheith and Qiuli Lu, ARCADIS, Columbus, OH, USA and Rob Herr, Greg Barden and Fang Cheng, Department of Public Utilities, City of Columbus, Columbus, OH, USA
ICWMM 2014

Urban River Rehabilitation and Flood Control: Case Study of the Pasig River System
Sheree Pagsuyoin, Andre Clow, Ahmed El-Khatib, John Lee and David Marshall, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, ON , Canada
ICWMM 2014

Managing Wet Weather Flow to Reduce Basement Flooding and Stormwater Runoff Pollution
Hubail Ajward, Mario Conetta, WSP Group, Markham, ON, Canada, Philip Cheung and Vicky Shi , City of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Performance Comparison of HBV, IHACRES and SIMHYD Hydrological Models for the Runoff Simulation (Study Area: Sefidroud River Basin, North of Iran)
Simin Ahmadian, Department of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University of Hidaj and Mehdi Sheikh Goodarzi, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran
ICWMM 2014

Developing Fine-scale Urban Drainage Models Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Moh Moh Lin Khin, Wai Yeung Yan, Darko Joksimovic and Ahmed Shaker Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Insights for assigning precipitation rates pertinent to buried municipal stormwater system design in 2013 and going forward
Ed McBean and Yi Wang, University of Guelph School of Engineering, Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Jacksonville Florida - 27 Years of Stormwater Capital Improvements Using SWMM
Greg McGrath, CDM Smith, Detroit, MI, USA, Bill Joyce, John Pappas, Department of Public Works, City of Jacksonville, FL, USA, Mike Schmidt, Patrick Victor, Jose Maria Guzman and Lisa Sterling, CDM Smith, Jacksonville, FL, USA
ICWMM 2014

An Investigation on Failure Mechanisms of Urban Drainage System in Colonized Asian Cities
Nadeesha Chandrasena, Khamaruzaman Wan Yusof and Muhammad Raza Ul Mustafa, University of Technology Petronas,Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia
ICWMM 2014

Retrofitting stormwater infrastructure in a constrained neighbourhood to reduce chronic flooding
Mark Hartley and Brian Verspagen, WalterFedy, Kitchener, ON, Canada and Diana Lupsa, City of Kitchener, Kitchener, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Innovative Approach to Quantify RDII Sources Using SWMM Groundwater Module
Hazem Gheith, ARCADIS-US Inc, Columbus, Ohio, USA
ICWMM 2014

Laboratory Column Experiment on Particle Trapping Capabilities of Various Biofilter Mixtures
Redahegn Sileshi and Robert Pitt, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL and Shirley Clark, School of Science, Engineering and Technology, Penn State, University, Harrisburg, PA
ICWMM 2014

Assessment of trace metals contamination in industrial waste water and river sediment from the urban area of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Md. Islam, Yokohama National University, Japan, Md. Ahmed, Dhaka University, Bangladesh, Mohammad Raknuzzaman, Dhaka University, Bangladesh, Ms. Mamun and Shigeki Masunaga ,Yokohama National<br /> University, Yokohama, Japan
ICWMM 2014

Bioavailability levels of trace metals and its potential risk to aquatic species in urban river
Shu-ping Han, Yokohama National University, Japan, Wataru Naito, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan and Shigeki Masunaga, Yokohama National University, Japan
ICWMM 2014

Water Quality Changes in Streams Located Near Urban Areas of the Northern Gulf Coast during Extreme Precipitation Events
Alexander Maestre, Derek Williamson, Amelia Ward University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA
ICWMM 2014

Design supportive modelling of constructed wetlands for combined sewer overflow treatment – experiences from Europe
Daniel Meyer and P. Molle, IRSTEA Lyon, Villeurbanne, France, Tamas Palfy, Epur Nature SAS, France and U. Dittmer, Institute ISWA, University of Stuttgart, Germany
ICWMM 2014

Instream dissolved oxygen sensitivity to baseflow and the use of baseflow timeseries in SWMM and WASP modeling of urban streams
Eileen Althouse, CDM Smith, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Josef Kardos and Kinman Leung, Philadelphia Water Department, Philadelphia, PA USA
ICWMM 2014

Identifying flow components using pollutant tracers in SWMM
Henry Fan, CDM Smith, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, Nha Truong, Philadelphia Water Department, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Rajesh Rahan, Matthew Plourde, Gary Martens and Jim Smullen, CDM Smith, Philadelphia, PA, US
ICWMM 2014

On extremes modeling of biogenic methane emissions from wetlands
Milan Stehlik, Department of Applied Statistics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
ICWMM 2014

A Simplified Approach to Pollutant Load Modeling
Mark Pribak and Justin Siegrist, Wade Trim, Detroit, MI, USA
ICWMM 2014

Time Series Modeling on 1998-2006 Chlorophyll-a in Taihu Lake, China
Feifei Sun, Sheree Pagsuyoin, Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam, and Keith Hipel, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Assessing the impact of Stormwater runoff from I-59 to a headwater stream in the Valley-and-Ridge Appalachians
Mitchell Moore, Catherine Butler and Jose Vasconcelos, Department of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA and Barry Fagan, Office of Environmental Coordination, Alabama Department of Transportation, Montgomery, AL, USA
ICWMM 2014

Development of a stormwater low impact development planning tool for the Province of Ontario, Canada
Zhi Zheng and James Li, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

First Flush Design for Stormwater: Rainfall Depth vs. Flow Meter Data
Murat Ulasir, Gregory Kacvinsky OHM Advisors, Livonia, MI, USA and Tim Kuhns, City of Novi, Novi, MI, USA
ICWMM 2014

Survival of Bacterial Indicator-Species on Simulated Pervious Environmental Surfaces in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Bradford M. Wilson and Robert Pitt, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
ICWMM 2014

Thermal Investigation of Stormwater Management Ponds
F. Sabouri and C. Tu, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Ecology Division, Toronto, ON, Canada, B. Gharabaghi and E. McBean, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Dry Weather Channel Impacts on Wet Weather Combined Sewer Overflow Pollution Rates
Bryant McDonnell, Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA, Richard Hayslett, Black &amp; Veatch Corporation, Kansas City, Missouri, USA and Nathanial Tetrick, Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA
ICWMM 2014

Significance of intermittent wetting and drying periods and the organic material in the filter layer on nitrate removal in bioretention basins
Daniel Subramaniam, Prasanna Egodawatta, Peter Mather and Jay Rajapakse, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
ICWMM 2014

Green roof runoff : an innovative method for wintry monitoring
Nicolas Geheniau, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Cedex, France and Musandji Fuamba, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
ICWMM 2014

Hydrological evaluation of LID technique and future climate change in two towns with different intensity of development
Hojeong Kang and Soon-Young Park, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea and Deghyo Bae, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sejong University, Korea
ICWMM 2014
2013 Presentation Abstracts 44 abstracts
Investigation of Appropriate Model Structure for Modelling Small Urban Catchments
Naglaa Ahmed, Darko Joksimovic and James Li
ICWMM 2013

Full-Scale Up-Flo® Filter Field Verification Tests
Yezhao Cai, Robert Pitt, Noboru Togawa, Kevin McGee, Kwabena Osei, and Robert Andoh
ICWMM 2013

Prioritizing the Best Urban Watershed Management Alternatives Using a Continuous Simulation Model and TOPSIS
Eun-Sung Chung, Sang-Mook Jun, Boram Lee and Won-Pyo Hong
ICWMM 2013

Developing an Online Tool for Facilitating Local Involvement in Watershed Implementation Plan
Olivia H. Devereux and Jessica R. Rigelman
ICWMM 2013

Energy Metrics for Water Distribution System Assessment
Rebecca Dziedzic and Bryan Karney
ICWMM 2013

Heavy Metal Contamination in the Laurel Creek Watershed, Waterloo (Ontario), Canada
Gordon S. Geller, Ana T. Lima, Hans H. D&uuml;rr, Jon Jones, Philippe Van Cappellen
ICWMM 2013

Stormwater Pond Sediment Loading and Accumulation Analysis Using Continuous Simulation
Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2013

Achieving an Enhanced Understanding of Stormwater Pipe Condition Through Data Mining of CCTV Inspection Records
Richard Harvey and Ed McBean
ICWMM 2013

Simulation of Air Pockets Motion Using GC Integral Model Framworks
T.M. Hatcher, C.D. Chosie and J.G. Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2013

SUSTAIN Application for the Optimization of Stormwater BMPs to Improve Biological Conditions in an Urban Stream in Southern British Columbia.
Mauricio Herrera
ICWMM 2013

The Four National Taps of Singapore: A Holistic Approach to Water Resources Management from Drainage to Drinking Water
K.N. Irvine, L.H.C. Chua and Hans S. Eikass
ICWMM 2013

Comparison of Floodline Delineation Methods and Results: HEC-2, SWMM5/PCSWMM and PCSWMM 2D
Robert W.C. James and Karen Finney
ICWMM 2013

On Modeling and Implications of Frequency-Dependent Phenomona in Drainage System Design
William James
ICWMM 2013

Application of the Green-Ampt Equation to a Watershed Runoff Simulation Using SWMM5
Taehun Jung, Dongguen Ko and Sangho Lee
ICWMM 2013

Madrona Marsh Restoration and Enhancement Project: Preserving a Last Urban Marsh Using Innovative Wetland Technology
Zach J. Kent
ICWMM 2013

High-Resolution Parameterization of a Hydrological Model in Areas with Varying Urban Density
Gerald Krebs, Teemu Kokkonen, Marjo Valtanen, Harri Koivusalo, and Heikki Set&auml;l&auml;
ICWMM 2013

Modeling Washoff of Total Suspended Solids in Tropical Catchments
S.H. Le, L.H.C. Chua and H.S. Eikaas
ICWMM 2013

Prioritizing System-Wide CSO Capture Among Sewersheds with Green Infrastructures (GIs)
Dingfang Liu and Nicholas Warrens
ICWMM 2013

Advanced Bioretention Systems: Results from Four Years of Mesocosm Studies and Two Years of Field Studies
William C. Lucas and Margaret Greenway
ICWMM 2013

Use of Outlet Controls to Improve CSO Reductions Using LID SCMs
William C. Lucas and David J. Sample
ICWMM 2013

Water Quality Changes in Streams Located Near Urban Areas of the Northern Gulf Coast during Extreme Precipitation Events
Alexander Maestre, Derek Williamson, Amy Ward
ICWMM 2013

Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence and Prediction
Edward A. McBean
ICWMM 2013

Field Monitoring and SWMM Modeling Applied to a Rural Intermittent Watershed
Kyle Moynihan and Jose Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2013

Verification of Urban Drainage System Designs by Means of SWMM5 and Climate Change Scenarios
Dirk Muschalla, Valentin Gamerith, Jonas Olsson and G&uuml;nter Gruber
ICWMM 2013

Adding to EPA SWMM5’s Capability to Model Long Term Continuous Rainfall Dependent Inflow & Infiltration
Joseph Pang
ICWMM 2013

Complete Dynamic 2D Modeling for Cost Benefit Analysis of Flood Mitigation: Case of a Densely-Populated Coastal City in France
Nelly Peyron
ICWMM 2013

Modeling Green Infrastructure with Large-Scale Monitoring at Kansas City, MO
Robert Pitt and Leila Talebi
ICWMM 2013

Urban Drainage: Monitoring, Modeling and Maintenance
J . Sansalone, G. Ying H. Zhang, S. Raje, G. Garofalo, G. Becciu, V. Ranieri
ICWMM 2013

An Assessment of Stormwater Management criteria for the Humber River Watershed Using Radar Generated Rainfall Data
Matthew Senior, Vahid Taleban, Fabio Tonto, Shahzad Khan, Ryan Ness, Aaron Farrell and Ron Scheckenberger
ICWMM 2013

Thermal Benefits and Impacts of the Proposed Water Reclamation Centre Discharge on the East Holland River
Hailiang Shen, Juraj Cunderlik, George Godin, and Adrian Coombs
ICWMM 2013

SUSTAIN Applications for Modeling and Mapping Green Infrastructure
Uzair (Sam) Shamsi and John Schombert, and Lawrence J. Lennon
ICWMM 2013

Application of PCSWMM to Explore Possible Climate Change Impacts on Surface Flooding and CSOs in a Peri-Urban Area of Pathumthani, Thailand
Ashish Shrestha, Thitirat Chaosakul, Dedduwa PMP. Priyankara, Ly Hong Chuyen, Su Su Myat, Nan Kham Syne, K.N. Irvine, T. Koottatep and M.S. Babel
ICWMM 2013

Estimating Combined Sewer System Percent Capture
Sangameswaran Shyamprasad, Khalid N. Khan and Gary Mercer
ICWMM 2013

Laboratory Column Test for Predicting Changes in Flow with Changes in Various Biofilter Mixture
Redahegn Sileshi, Robert Pitt, Shirley Clark
ICWMM 2013

1D-2D Model Validation for the Assessment of Urban Flooding: A PCSWMM 2D Application
R. Sulzbacher, R. Scheucher, V. Gamerith and D. Muschalla
ICWMM 2013

Evaluation and Demonstration of Stormwater Dry Wells and Cisterns in Millburn Township, New Jersey
Leila Talebi and Robert Pitt
ICWMM 2013

Combining Modeling Expertise and Optimization Algorithms in Water Distribution Network Design
Bryan A. Tolson, Ayman Khedr, Masoud Asadzadeh
ICWMM 2013

Low-impact Development Measures Implemented as Part of Stormwater Management at the Conestoga College South Campus
Brian Verspagen, Ann Sychterz and Tim Schill
ICWMM 2013

Uncertainty Characterization of Design Rainfall Rates for Stormwater Infrastructure Design
Yi Wang and Edward McBean
ICWMM 2013

Field Investigation of Surcharging in Combined Sewer System
Steven J. Wright, Murat Ulasir and Robert Czachorski
ICWMM 2013

An Approach to Forecasting Typical-Year Wastewater Flow Rates Under Future Conditions
Li Zhang, Fang Cheng, Robert Herr, Gregory Barden, Hunter Kelly and Edward Burgess
ICWMM 2013

Disinfection By-Product Modeling Using Bayesian Networks
Zoe J. Y. Zhu, E. McBean, and Brett Harper
ICWMM 2013

Quantifying Components of RDII as a Foundation for Integration Solution
*Hazem Gheith and Robert Herr
ICWMM 2013

Doing It Right: Some Thoughts on Stormwater Management and Modeling
Chris Brooker, cba Specialist Engineers, Fourways, South Africa
ICWMM 2013
2012 Presentation Abstracts 49 abstracts
John M.H. Barton, Joseph Kamalesh and Roger Jacobsen
ICWMM 2012

Hydraulic Modeling Software’s Makes Complex to Simplex-Hyderabad Scenario
R.V. Chakrapani, K.S.S.V.V Prasad, M. Sukanya and P. Manohar Babu
ICWMM 2012

Application of Low Impact Development (LID) Scenarios to Reduce Surface Flooding: A Case Study of Rattanakosin Village, Thailand
T. Chaosakul, T. Koottatep and Kim N. Irvine
ICWMM 2012

Use of the Initial Abstraction Parameters in SWMM5 for Continuous Simulation of RDI/I
Fang Cheng, Li Zhang, Robert Herr, Gregory Barden, Hunter Kelly, and Edward Burgess
ICWMM 2012

Lackawanna Wastewater Treatment Plant Elimination - A Study of Potential Impacts on Smokes Creek and the Buffalo Sewer System
Juraj M. Cunderlik, Christopher P. Martin, David Barnes, Kimberley M. Irvine, and David P. Comerford
ICWMM 2012

A Framework for Assessing Computer Models for Sediment Transport and Accumulation in Wet Detention Ponds
Darryl Dormuth and Geri De La Mare
ICWMM 2012

Assessing the Potential For Rehabilitation of Surface Permeability Using Regenerative Air and Vacuum-Sweeping Trucks
Jennifer Drake and Andrea Bradford
ICWMM 2012

Evaluation of Stormwater Retrofit Using PCSWMM
Ashraf El Sayed, Ramesh Rudra, and Bahram Gharabaghi
ICWMM 2012

Development of Multi-Attribute UHRUs for Stormwater Management
Marija Eric, James Li and Darko Joksimovic
ICWMM 2012

Benchmarking SWMM5/PCSWMM 2D Model Performance
Karen Finney, Rob James and Nandana Perera
ICWMM 2012

Comprehensive Urban Stormwater System Modeling and Communications for Sustainable Urban Flood Management in Complex Plain-Escarpment Terrain
Nahed Ghbn, Udo Ehrenberg and Monirul Islam
ICWMM 2012

Key Delineation and Modeling Steps for a Successful Evaluation of Green Infrastructure Performance
Hazem Gheith and Dante Zettler
ICWMM 2012

Modeling the Effect of Grass Swale Using SWMM in Beijing, China
Yongwei Gong, Shengjie Zhang and Junqi Li
ICWMM 2012

The Effect of Stormwater on Wastewater Treatability: A study of targeted Emerging Contaminants at a Wastewater Treatment Plant
Kenya L. Goodson, Robert Pitt, Sam Subramaniam and Shirley Clark
ICWMM 2012

Application of EPA SWMM5 to Integrated Stormwater and Sanitary System Modeling – Seattle’s Broadview Case Study
Sam Gould, Dave Jacobs, David Hartley and Patty Dillon
ICWMM 2012

Stormwater Management Design – So What Happens After the End-of-Pipe?
Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2012

Two Dimensional Hydrologic Modelling of a Peat Mined Bog using GSSHA
Mauricio Herrera
ICWMM 2012

Climate Change and Urban Hydrology: Research Needs in the Developed and Developing Worlds
Kim Irvine
ICWMM 2012

Pump Sizing for Dewatering a Levee-Protected Rural Area Using Combined 1D-2D Modeling
Rob James and Karen Finney
ICWMM 2012

River Flooding Applications of SWMM5/PCSWMM Combined 1D-2D Modeling
Rob James and Karen Finney
ICWMM 2012

Interior Drainage Flooding in Downtown Washington, DC - A Coupled Modeling Approach Using 2D Urban Flood Modeling
Volker Janssen, Brad Udvardy, John Cassidy and Roger Gans
ICWMM 2012

Stormwater Management in Tropical Countries: Specific Problems and Adapted Solutions
Nico Kersting, Gilles Rivard, and Elizabeth Inglefield
ICWMM 2012

2D Urban Flood Modelling – The Better Way?
Fiona Macdonald and James Jorgensen
ICWMM 2012

Analysing of Low Impact Development Strategies using Continuous Fully-Distributed Groundwater and Surface Water Models
Mason Marchildon and Dirk Kassenaar
ICWMM 2012

Security Approaches for Water Distribution Systems in the Next Decade
Edward McBean and Hailiang Shen
ICWMM 2012

Shades of Green: Using SWMM LID Controls to Simulate Green Infrastructure
Matthew D. McCutcheon and Derek D. Wride
ICWMM 2012

Performance of ANFIS versus MLP-NN Dissolved Oxygen Prediction Models in Water Quality Monitoring
A. Najah, A. El-Shafie, O. A. Karim and O. Jaafar
ICWMM 2012

The Effects of Water Quality Parameters on the Pollutant Runoff from Drainage Materials
Olga Ogburn, Robert Pitt and Shirley Clark
ICWMM 2012

SWMM5/PCSWMM 2D Application for Urban Dual Drainage Modeling
Nandana Perera and Rob James
ICWMM 2012

Planning Level Modeling of E. coli levels in a Suburban Watershed using PCSWMM
Mary Perrelli and Kim Irvine
ICWMM 2012

Development of a Complete Dynamic 2D Modeling Approach for Flood Management in a Dense City Area in France
Nelly Peyron
ICWMM 2012

Chennai City Storm Water Drainage Plan – A Pathway for Adoption of Innovative Software Techniques
K.S.S.V.V. Prasad, S.V.Rao and B.Sanjana Bhat
ICWMM 2012

Accuracy Issues of a Public-Domain Area-Wide Streamflow Model Semi-Automatically Built From Data Readily Downloaded From The Internet
Hanlie Pretorius, William James and Julian Smit
ICWMM 2012

Stormwater Master Plan Development Employing an Integrated 12/2D model for the Redwood Basin in Josephine County, Oregon
Ryan Retzlaff and Anthony W. Kuch
ICWMM 2012

A Framework for Interoperability in BMP/Receiving Water Modelling
A. Charles Rowney, Jeff C. Moeller and Bill Snodgrass
ICWMM 2012

Evaluation of Stormwater Management Ponds Thermal Impact using PCSWMM
Farshid Sabouri, Nandana Perera, Bahram Gharabaghi and Ed McBean
ICWMM 2012

Innovations in CSO and SSO Long Term Control Plans
Uzair (Sam) Shamsi and Ron Ciucci
ICWMM 2012

Engineers Without Borders - Changing the World One Community at a Time
Uzair (Sam) Shamsi, Amir Allana, Melissa Day and Jennifer Lehane
ICWMM 2012

Monitoring and Modelling of Soil Loss from Southern Ontario Basins during Pre-Development and Development Activities
Bill Trenouth, Bahram Gharabaghi, Ahmad Asna and Ed McBean
ICWMM 2012

BMP Economics and Sizing
Ben Urbonas
ICWMM 2012

Accuracy in Stormwater & Floodplain Management
Ben Urbonas
ICWMM 2012

Kinematics of Entrapped Air Pockets Within Stormwater Storage Tunnels
Jose G. Vasconcelos and Carmen D. Chosie
ICWMM 2012

Geoprocessing Tools for Surface and Basement Flooding Analysis in SWMM
Eric White, James Knighton, Gary Martens, Matthew Plourde and Rajesh Rajan
ICWMM 2012

Survival of Bacterial Indicator-Species on Impervious Environmental Surfaces in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Bradford M. Wilson and Robert Pitt
ICWMM 2012

Applications of Radar-Based Rainfall Estimates to Urban Flood Studies
Daniel B. Wright, James A. Smith, Gabriele Villarini and Mary Lynn Baeck
ICWMM 2012

Influence of Air Pocket Volume on Manhole Surge
Steven J. Wright
ICWMM 2012

Total Maximum Daily Load Issues Confronting the Transportation Industry
Jy S. Wu
ICWMM 2012

Applying Bacteria Indicator Tool in a Pathogen TMDL Study
Jennifer Xie
ICWMM 2012

An Approach for Estimating Groundwater Infiltration Rates into Wastewater Collection Systems under Typical Year Conditions
Li Zhang, Fang Cheng, Robert Herr, Gregory Barden, Hunter Kelly and Edward Burgess
ICWMM 2012
2011 Presentation Abstracts 48 abstracts
Automatic Calibration of SWAT model Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm.
Abbas Afshar, Motahhare Saadatpour and Mohammad Javad Emami Skardi
ICWMM 2011

Comparison of Different Methods in Calculating CSS Percent Capture.
Weizhe An and Joseph M. Gianvito
ICWMM 2011

South Bronx Brook Restoration Project.
Harry J. Bubbins
ICWMM 2011

How Much Is ‘Your Un-Calibrated Model’ Costing Your Utility? Ten Lessons Learned From Building And Calibrating The CRD Victoria Water Model.
Werner de Schaetzen, Jonathan Hung, Stephen Clark, Craig Gottfred, Bill Acosta and Pat Reynolds
ICWMM 2011

An Examination Of The Heat Transfer Processes Between Pavement And Runoff During Rainfall Events.
Darryl Dormuth
ICWMM 2011

Estimation of the Runoff Curve Number via direct Rainfall Simulator Measurements.
Mohamed Elhakeem and Athanasios N. Papanicolaou
ICWMM 2011

Hydraulic Modeling of Deep Tunnel Provides Cost Savings
Taymour El-Hosseiny, Karen Reinhart and M.P. Cherian
ICWMM 2011

Hydrologic Modelling of Lot-Level Stormwater Low Impact Development Practices Using US EPA SWMM.
Marija Eric, Celia Fan, Darko Joksimovic and James Li
ICWMM 2011

Capturing Dissolved Pollutants From Stormwater.
Andrew J. Erickson, John S. Gulliver and Peter. T. Weiss
ICWMM 2011

Importing HEC-RAS Models into SWMM.
Karen Finney, Rob James, William James and Tiehong Xiao
ICWMM 2011

An Improved Water Distribution System Chlorine Decay Model Using EPANET MSX.
Walter Grayman, Sudhir Kshirsagar, Melixa Rivera-Sustache and Mark Ginsberg
ICWMM 2011

Stormwater Reuse - Thinking Outside of the Pipe & Pond.
Mike Gregory
ICWMM 2011

Real-Time Flood Forecasting System for Cooksville Creek, Ontario.
Neelam Gupta, Rob James, Karen Finney and Tiehong Xiao
ICWMM 2011

Irrigation With Recycled Wastewater - Good Intentions Gone Awry?
Harvey H. Harper
ICWMM 2011

Effects Of Meteorological Variability On Runoff Volume And Performance Efficiency Of Dry Retention Systems.
Harvey H. Harper
ICWMM 2011

Improving Calibrated SWMM Routing Parameters By Channel Process Disaggregation: Diurnal Flows In The Ash River, South Africa.
William James
ICWMM 2011

Management Of Stormwater Assets, Flooding Impact Of Stormwater Runoff Using PCSWMM In The Greater Durban CBD Area, South Africa
Brian Kannigadu and Dravith Bakool
ICWMM 2011

Developing Best Estimates For Combined Sewer Overflows To Meet EPA Standards Through Flow Monitoring, Automated Calibration, And Long Term Simulations.
Robin Lee
ICWMM 2011

A Flow Duration Analysis (FDA) Conducted for the Piscataway Watershed.
William Lucas
ICWMM 2011

Water Quality Modeling of Chilliwack’s Water Distribution System in Preparation of the Emergency Chlorination Test.
Glen MacPherson, Werner de Schaetzen and Spencer Cripps
ICWMM 2011

An Evaluation of Modeling Green Infrastructure Using SWMM5 LID Controls.
Matthew D. McCutcheon, Derek D. Wride and Josh A. Reinicke
ICWMM 2011

Rainfall Derived Inflow and Infiltration Modelling Approaches.
Daley Mikalson, Barry Adams and Yiping Guo
ICWMM 2011

How Are Low Impact Stormwater Control Measures Simulated By Different Computational Models?\
Franco Montalto and William Lucas
ICWMM 2011

Calibration of Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model For Green Infrastructure Assessment In Hamilton County, Ohio.
Nestor Alonso Mancipe Mu&ntilde;oz, Steven G. Buchberger and Makram Suidan
ICWMM 2011

Developing A Plan to Control Combined-Sewer Floatables in Ottawa.
Thomas L. Newman, Louis Julien and Gregory A. Clark
ICWMM 2011

A Simple Spreadsheet Model to Calculate Storm Water Runoff Storage Requirements.
Jay H. Niec
ICWMM 2011

Tricks to Decode Weird Looking Flow Survey Data.
Joseph Pang
ICWMM 2011

Development of an Innovative Dynamical Approach for Flood Reduction in a Large City in Eastern India.
Nelly Peyron
ICWMM 2011

Long-term Continuous Simulations for Evaluating Storage-Treatment Design Options of Stormwater Filters.
Robert Pitt, John Voorhees and Shirley Clark.
ICWMM 2011

Modeling Green Infrastructure Components in a Combined Sewer Area.
Robert Pitt and John Voorhees
ICWMM 2011

Simple Hydrograph Shapes for Urban Stormwater Water Quality Analyses.
Robert Pitt and John Voorhees
ICWMM 2011

Reformatting and Post-Processing Tools for SWMM5.
Rajesh Rajan, Kimberly S. Artita, Jaclyn Marge and James T. Smullen
ICWMM 2011

Utilizing Sanitary Sewer Inflow/Infiltration Field Data to Calibrate a Storm Sewer Model.
Josh Reinicke and Marc Lehmann
ICWMM 2011

Development of a Design Storm for Water Quality Control in Urban Areas.
Gilles Rivard, Louis-Andr&eacute; Rinfret and Sarah Lawson
ICWMM 2011

A Pragmatic Approach to Sustainable Development: Case Study of the Red-Mediterranean-Dead Seas Canal Project.
Marc A. Rosen and Yousef Abu Rukah
ICWMM 2011

The New National Stormwater Calculator.
Lewis A. Rossman
ICWMM 2011

Development Simulation-Optimization Approach in Pollution Spill Response Management System.
Motahhare Saadatpour and Abbas Afshar
ICWMM 2011

Modeling LID Impact on Sewer Overflows.
Uzair (Sam) Shamsi
ICWMM 2011

Sensor Placement Under Nodal Demand Uncertainty For Water Distribution Systems.
Hailiang Shen, Edward McBean and Yi Wang
ICWMM 2011

Cold Climate Urban Hydrology - Examples from Norway.
Sveinn Thorolfsson
ICWMM 2011

Pressure Surges Following Sudden Air Pocket Entrapment in Stormwater Systems.
Jose G. Vasconcelos and Gabriel M. Leite
ICWMM 2011

Discretized Air Phase Modeling in the Simulation of Pipeline Refilling Operations.
Jose G. Vasconcelos and Bernardo C. Trindade
ICWMM 2011

Detaining and Treating Stormwater Using High Flow Inverted Cone Filtration.
Todd Wacome
ICWMM 2011

An Integrated Hydrodynamic Approach to River, Sewer and Overland Flow Modeling.
Andrew Walker, Andrew Brown and Paul F. Boulos
ICWMM 2011

Pressure Transients due to Compression of Trapped Air in Rapidly Filling Combined Sewer Overflow Storage Tunnels.
Steven J. Wright, Kelley V. Determan, and Silvana M. Vargas
ICWMM 2011

Air/Water Interactions that Generate Large Water Lift through Vertical Shafts in Stormwater Conduits.
Steven J. Wright and James W. Lewis
ICWMM 2011

An Innovative Continuous Simulation Approach to Size a Sanitary Sewer System Storage Facility
Li Zhang, Fang Cheng, Gregory Barden, John Schroeder and Edward Burgess
ICWMM 2011

Spatial Variation of Unit Hydrograph Parameters for Rainfall-Derived Infiltration/ Inflow and Relationship with Physical Factors.
Li Zhang, Fang Cheng, Gregory Barden, Hunter Kelly, Timothy Fallara, Robert Herr and Edward Burgess
ICWMM 2011
2010 Presentation Abstracts 35 abstracts
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses of Falaj and Stormwater Related to the Construction of New Sohar Airport
Mohamed Abdel-Latif and Hossam Mahmoud
ICWMM 2010

Hydraulic Design of Drop Structures
Mohamed Abdel-Latif and Heather M. Ivory
ICWMM 2010

Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority Combined Sewer System Long Term Control Plan Modeling Study
Weizhe An and Joseph M. Gianvito
ICWMM 2010

Simple Rainfall-Runoff Transformation for the Evaluation of Green Roof Stormwater Runoff Volumes
J.Y. Chen, B.J. Adams and James Li
ICWMM 2010

Statistic Outlook of Green Roof Stormwater Pollutant Loadings
J.Y. Chen, B.J. Adams and James Li
ICWMM 2010

Comparison of Rainfall Derived Inflow/Infiltration Unit Hydrograph Approaches for Continuous Simulation Using SWMM 5
Fang Cheng, Benjamin Sherman, Gregory Barden, Hunter Kelly, Timothy Fallara and Edward Burgess
ICWMM 2010

Modeling the Urban System of Alexandria Using the Aquacycle Model
Noha Donia and D. Assimacopoulos
ICWMM 2010

A Low-cost Sensor Array to Measure Vertical Temperature Profiles in a Stormwater Detention Pond
Darryl Dormuth and Kendra Leboldus
ICWMM 2010

Compost Biofilters for Highway Stormwater Runoff Treatment
Karen Finney and Bahram Gharabaghi
ICWMM 2010

Online Monitoring of Combined Sewer Systems: Experiences and Application in Modeling
V. Gamerith, D. Muschalla, J. Veit and G. Gruber.
ICWMM 2010

A Step by Step Procedure for Calculating a Physically-based Time to Peak, Recession Time, and RDII Volume for the Three RTK Triangles
Hazem Gheith
ICWMM 2010

Comparison between Some Dry Weather Flow Calibration Packages
Hazem Gheith and Gibson Chen
ICWMM 2010

Design, Construction and Long-Term Hydraulic Performance Assessment of an Infiltration Gallery
Mike Gregory and David Arseneau
ICWMM 2010

The Coupling of Inland And River Inundation Flood Analysis in Jikjisacheon
Kun Yeun Han, Ah Long Son and Young Joo Kim
ICWMM 2010

Model Predictive Control with SWMM
S. Heusch and M. Ostrowski
ICWMM 2010

The Importance of Stakeholder Participation in Low Impact Development (LID) Planning
Sarah O. Lawson, Darko Joksimovic, James Y. Li and Michael Walters
ICWMM 2010

Numeric Modeling of Sloped Water Pipelines Considering Air Pressurization
Gabriel M. Leite and Jose G. Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2010

Study of Factors Controlling Water Rise in Vertical Shafts Connected to Stormwater Tunnels
James W. Lewis and Steven J. Wright
ICWMM 2010

Techniques for Maximizing Visual Information in Three-Dimensional Profiles of SWMM Data and Results
Rod Moeller
ICWMM 2010

Real-Time Control Strategies of the Outflow from Stormwater Basins from a River’s Perspective
Dirk Muschalla, Marc B. Neumann and Peter A. Vanrolleghem
ICWMM 2010

Modeling Green Infrastructure Components in a Combined Sewer Area
Robert Pitt and John Voorhees
ICWMM 2010

Long-term Continuous Simulations for Evaluating Storage-Treatment Design Options of Stormwater Filters
Robert Pitt, John Voorhees and Shirley Clark.
ICWMM 2010

An Industrial Application for Storm Water Modeling – The GE Aviation Case Study
Josh Reinicke and John Davis.
ICWMM 2010

Protocol Development for Converting Large/Complex Legacy SWMM Models to SWMM5
George Remias, Mike Gregory, Denis Zaharija and Shirly Schluchter
ICWMM 2010

Development of Stormwater Control Targets to Reduce Flashiness in Urban Streams
Karen E. Ridgway
ICWMM 2010

Mitigating Flood Damage: Developing a Comprehensive Drainage Plan using SWMM, HEC-RAS, and ArcGIS
Scott M. Rybarczyk
ICWMM 2010

Numerical Investigations on the Effect of Sewer Cleaning Flush Waves Under the Influence of Downstream Water Levels
J. Schaffner and J. Steinhardt
ICWMM 2010

Advances in Floodplain Modeling and Mapping
Uzair (Sam) Shamsi
ICWMM 2010

Application of the Calibrated and Physically Distributed HSPF model for Urban Stormwater Management and LID
Bahar SM and Glenn Switzer
ICWMM 2010

Use of Agricultural Best-Management Practices for Watershed Management
Conrad Stang and Bahram Gharabaghi
ICWMM 2010

A Comprehensive Methodology for Characterizing Stormwater Infiltration Trench Performance
C.E. Sykes and B.J. Adams
ICWMM 2010

Stormwater Management for Construction Sites, A Case Study near Lake Simcoe
W. Trenouth, S. Kazmi, A. Asnaashari, B. Gharabaghi and E. A. McBean
ICWMM 2010

Comparative Study of a CFD model and a Reservoir Routing Model Predictions for Stormwater Ponds
Bernardo C. Trindade and Jose G. Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2010

Regression Analysis of Variation of Rainfall-Derived Inflow/Infiltration in Columbus, Ohio
Li Zhang, Fang Cheng, Gregory Barden, Hunter Kelly, Timothy Fallara and Edward Burgess
ICWMM 2010

Prediction of Daily Flows and Disinfection Byproducts of the Union Water Plant using Artificial Neural Networks
Zoe J. Y. Zhu, W. Guo, B. MacKay and E. McBean
ICWMM 2010
2009 Presentation Abstracts 41 abstracts
Addressing Chronic Flooding in a Dynamic River System with Freshwater Bivalve Species: Mussel over Muscle
Dave Arseneau, Mike Gregory, Ray Tufgar, Alec Scott and Ross Wilson
ICWMM 2009

Survival Rate Analysis of Water Mains: a Comparison of Two Case Studies (Canada-Iran)
Ahmad Asnaarhi, E. McBean, B. Gharabaghi and R. Pourrajab
ICWMM 2009

Impervious Cover Variability in Urban Watersheds
Celina Bochis and Robert Pitt
ICWMM 2009

An Approach to Update a Large Hydraulic Sewer Collection Model
Mi Chen, Joe Koran, Derek Wride, Rod Moeller and Ben Gamble
ICWMM 2009

Application of SWMM5 to Study Wet-Weather Operating Strategies in a Large and Complex Sewer System
Mi Chen, Fang Cheng, Ted Burgess, Gregory Barden and Timothy Fallara
ICWMM 2009

Comparison of Unsteady Open Channel Flow Calculation Programs
M.P.Cherian and Karen Ridgway
ICWMM 2009

Surge Analysis for the OARS Tunnel, Columbus, Ohio
M.P.Cherian, Karen Ridgway, Ari Pandian and Greg Barden
ICWMM 2009

Urban Stormwater Modeling: Is the Shock-capturing Technique More Efficient than the Shock-fitting One?
Mathurin Daynou, Ramiro Vargas and Musandji Fuamba
ICWMM 2009

A Method to Assess the Impacts of Climate Change on the Reliability of Stormwater Infrastructure Components
D.W. Dormuth
ICWMM 2009

Flood Concrete Channel Restoration in Urbanized Cities
Celia Fan, James Li , Grace Luk and Onyx Wai
ICWMM 2009

Continuous Simulation Hydraulic Modeling to Develop a Phased Approach for SSO Control in Piqua, Ohio
Ben Gamble, Derek Wride and Dave Burtner
ICWMM 2009

A Straightforward Approach to Generating One Set of RTK Parameters for Continuous Calibration
Hazem M. Gheith
ICWMM 2009

Sediment Transport Model Application using Basins SWAT for the Cayuga Creek Watershed, Niagara Falls, NY, with Specific Focus on the Impact of Land Use Change
Joseph J. Gould and Kim N. Irvine
ICWMM 2009

Alternative Financing for Municipal Stormwater Management Programs
Mike Gregory, Ray Tufgar and Steve Sedgwick
ICWMM 2009

Verification and Design Application of Long-term Rainfall Disaggregation Procedures
Bill James and Rob James
ICWMM 2009

Fast, Interactive Graphical Auto-Calibration of RDII Parameters using Sensitivity-based Radio Tuning
Rob James, Ian Guppy and Craig Campbell
ICWMM 2009

Real-time Flood Forecasting using NEXRAD Radar Data, on-line Rain Gage Network Calibration, and PCSWMM for the Greater Toronto Region
Rob James and Michael Heralall
ICWMM 2009

Hierarchical Optimization of Integrated Water Reuse Schemes
Darko Joksimovic
ICWMM 2009

Peak Flow Assessment of the Moses-Pepper Drain in Ottawa
Laurent Jolliet
ICWMM 2009

Physical Investigation of Discrete Air Pocket Migration and Release in Stormwater Storage Tunnels
James W. Lewis, Steven J. Wright, and Jose G. Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2009

Honduran Imhoff Tanks: Potentials and Pitfalls
Anne Mikelonis, Ari Herrera, E. Eric Adams and Matthew Hodge
ICWMM 2009

BlueM.Opt - a Generic Framework for Simulation Based Optimization
D. Muschalla, F. Froehlich, S. Heusch, C. H&uuml;bner, D. Kerber, F. Reussner and M. Ostrowski
ICWMM 2009

Automated Dynamic Floodway Evaluation in SWMM
Tom Nye, Jos&eacute; Maria Guzman, Sandeep Gulati, Michael F. Schmidt and William Joyce
ICWMM 2009

Implementation of a Unique Real Time Flash Flood Forecasting System in Martinique
Nelly Peyron, Mireille Raymond and Bernard Naigre
ICWMM 2009

Forensic Analysis of Time Series
K. Ponnambalam
ICWMM 2009

SWMM Groundwater Infiltration Modeling for Hartford, Connecticut
Ajay Prasad, Mitchell C. Heineman, Scott M. Craig
ICWMM 2009

Comments on the Design of an Urban Stormwater Drainage System
Mike Reda
ICWMM 2009

Evaluating Force Mains with SWMM5
Karen E. Ridgway
ICWMM 2009

Small-Storm Hydology and BMP Modeling with SWMM 5
Gilles Rivard
ICWMM 2009

Modeling Low Impact Development Alternatives with SWMM
Lewis A. Rossman
ICWMM 2009

Development of a Phosphorus Removal Model for Bioretention Systems
Audrey Roy-Poirier, Yves Filion and Pascale Champagne
ICWMM 2009

Industrial Site Spill Modeling
Trent Schade, Cristina Jorge Schwarz and Dan Kaufmann
ICWMM 2009

Modeling the Benefits of Low Impact Development for Stormwater Quantity and Quality
Uzair (Sam) Shamsi
ICWMM 2009

An Efficient Tracking Procedure to Identify Locations of Contaminant Ingress into Water Distribution Systems
Hailiang Shen, Edward McBean and Mirnader Ghazali
ICWMM 2009

Application of Flushing Tanks in Simple Sewer Networks for In-sewer Sediment Erosion and Transport
Reza H.S.M. Shirazi, Patrick Willems and Jean Berlamont
ICWMM 2009

A Suite of Tools for Efficient SWMM Modeling of Complex Systems
Sangameswaran Shyamprasad, Khalid N. Khan, Gary Mercer, and James T. Smullen
ICWMM 2009

Developing a Representative Year of Precipitation in Support of a Wet Weather Plan
Sangameswaran Shyamprasad, Khalid N. Khan, Gary Marten and James T. Smullen
ICWMM 2009

Newly Developed High-Rate Stormwater Treatment Device
Noboru Togawa and Robert Pitt .
ICWMM 2009

TMDLs Challenges for 2009 and Beyond
Walter C. Trnka
ICWMM 2009

Simulation of Low Impact Development Scenarios in SWMM
Guoshun Zhang, James M. Hamlett, and Tham Saravanapavan
ICWMM 2009

Dynamic Bayesian Network Approach for Modeling Groundwater Quality
Zoe J. Y. Zhu, Jeff Kroes and Edward A. McBean
ICWMM 2009
2008 Presentation Abstracts 40 abstracts
Hydraulic Design of Drop Structures
Mohamed Abdel-Latif and Heather Ivory
ICWMM 2008

The Use of Decision Analysis and Watershed Modeling to Investigate E.coli Potential Sources and Solutions in the Lake Tuscaloosa Watershed, Alabama
Laith Alfaqih, Robert Pitt
ICWMM 2008

Removal Efficiency of Dry Diffuse Pollutant through Street Sweeping and Rainfall
Saadat Ashraf and Azam Khan
ICWMM 2008

Scour in Stormwater Catchbasin Devices – Experimental Results form a Physical Model
Humberto Avila and Robert Pitt
ICWMM 2008

Giving Life to Failed Un-Reinforced Masonry Foundations by Controlling Surface Drainage and Sub-Surface Moisture
Ashwin Beosumbar
ICWMM 2008

Climate change impact on hydrological extremes along Rivers in Belgium
O. Boukhris , P. Willems, P. Baguis and E. Roulin
ICWMM 2008

Revising a Combined Sewer System Design for Improved Results
Phil Brink and Larry Witt
ICWMM 2008

Storm Drainage System Modeling of the Edmonton Clareview and Pilot Sound Storm Basins
Steven Chan, Michelle Yu, Scott Neuman and Magdy Hashem
ICWMM 2008

Characterization of Urban Green Roof Stormwater Runoff
Jieyun Chen, James Li and Barry J. Adams
ICWMM 2008

Identify Wet-Weather Sanitary System Problems by Combining Field Investigation with Computer Modeling
Fang Cheng, Gregory R. Barden, Julie A. McGill, John P. Schroeder, and Edward H. Burgess
ICWMM 2008

Manhole Incidence on Transient Flow Modeling during Storm Sewer Flooding Event
Mathurin Daynou, Musandji Fuamba and Tew-Fik Mahdi
ICWMM 2008

Urban Water Management Problems: Bangladesh Perspective
Chowdhury Mohammad Farouque and Md. Abu Noman and Kamal Hossain
ICWMM 2008

An Evalutation of Stormwater Management Practices To Provide Flood Protection for Watershed-Based Targets
Aaron Farrell
ICWMM 2008

Compost Biofilters for Highway Stormwater Runoff Treatment
Karen Finney, Vahid Taleban, Bahram Gharabaghi, Ed McBean and Ramesh Rudra
ICWMM 2008

Urban Flood Management and Hydrometeorologic Alert System. Rio Sabinal, Mexico
&Oacute;scar Fuentes M., Juan Ansberto Cruz, Faustino De Luna &amp; J. L. Arag&oacute;n.
ICWMM 2008

Current Technologies for On-line Monitoring of Quality of Water in Distribution Systems
Mirnader Ghazali and Edward McBean
ICWMM 2008

A Multi-Objective Optimization Decision Support Model for Renewal Planning of Sewer Networks
Mahmoud Halfawy, Leila Dridi and Samar Baker
ICWMM 2008

The Role of Phnom Penh’s Wetlands in Sustainably Treating Sewage Discharges to the Mekong/Bassac/Tonle Sap River System
Kim Irvine
ICWMM 2008

Integrated Web-Based Automated Radar Acquisition, Flow Monitoring and Real-time Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling for Flow and Flood Forecasting in Toronto, Ontario and Erie County, New York
Rob James, Tiehong Xiao and William James
ICWMM 2008

Leveraging computational grids and multi-core CPUs with PCSWMM.NET
Rob James, William James and Tiehong Xiao
ICWMM 2008

Integration of SWMM into a Dam Break, Hurricane, and Extreme Flood Modeling and Damage Assessment Framework
David R. Judi, Alfred J. Kalyanapu, Amanda Gilliland, Timothy McPherson and Steven J. Burian1
ICWMM 2008

A Simulation Study on Using Inverse Transient Analysis for Leak Detection in Water Distribution Networks
Bryan Karney, David Khani, Mahmoud Halfawy, and Osama Hunaidi
ICWMM 2008

A Methodology for Modeling to Best Manage Storm Water Runoff and Maintain Water Quality
Camylyn Lewis and Michael Wang
ICWMM 2008

Mechanisms of Flow Regime Transition in Rapidly Filling Stormwater Storage Tunnels
James W. Lewis, Calvin Creech, Steven J. Wright, and Jose G. Vasconcelos
ICWMM 2008

Physical Model Study, CSO Diversion through Bottom Outlet Slot, Site DS-4 Upper Rouge Tunnel System
James W. Lewis, Steven J. Wright, James Sherrill and Mark Pribak
ICWMM 2008

Structural BMPs for Stormwater Treatment Control – Selection and Design Criteria for Urban Drainage System
Hong Lin, Fariar Kohzad and Walt Stein
ICWMM 2008

Implications of Snowmelt on Urban Water Quantity Quality: Experience from the City of Toronto
Nandana Perera and Bahram Gharabaghi
ICWMM 2008

Advance Topics on Urban Water Systems Modeling; Part I: General Introduction
M. Reda
ICWMM 2008

Evaluating Surge Potential in CSO Tunnels
Karen E. Ridgway
ICWMM 2008

Western New York Stormwater Coalition: Compliance Through Collaboration
Mary C. Rossi, Thomas R. Hersey, Jr., Kim Irvine and Stephen Vermette
ICWMM 2008

Video Processing Techniques for Assisted CCTV Inspection and Condition Rating of Sewers
Nima Sarshar, Mahmoud Halfawy, and Jantira Hengmeechai
ICWMM 2008

HSPF Application to Microbial Indicator Data
Trent Schade, Orin Shanks, Matthew A. Morrison and Kate Field
ICWMM 2008

GIS Applications for Regulatory Compliance
Uzair (Sam) Shamsi
ICWMM 2008

Implementation of Flushing Tanks in Combined Sewer Networks to Comply with Optimal Self-Cleansing Properties
Reza H.S.M. Shirazi, Raf Bouteligier, and Jean Berlamont
ICWMM 2008

The Case for Flow Duration Modeling
Roger Sutherland, Phillip Pommier and Seth Jelen
ICWMM 2008

A Proposal for a New Research Direction
Roger C. Sutherland and Gary R. Minton
ICWMM 2008

Update on the Status of Sanitary Sewer Overflow Analysis and Planning (SSOAP) Toolbox
Srini Vallabhaneni, Fu-hsiung Lai, Carl Chan, Edward H. Burgess and Rod Moeller
ICWMM 2008

Anatomy of an adaptive stormwater management strategy at UniverCity supported with continuous monitoring and detailed modeling
Gabor Vasarhelyi, Mauricio Herrera, and Dale Mikkelsen
ICWMM 2008

A simple model for predicting future channel planform from historical aerial photographs
Paul Villard, William Snodgrass and Bishnu Gyawali
ICWMM 2008

A Network Learning Approach for Asset Management in Water Distribution Infrastructure
Zoe J. Y. Zhu and Edward A. McBean
ICWMM 2008
2007 Presentation Abstracts 46 abstracts
Use of genetic algorithms to optimize in-line storage of a storm system and improve water quality
Mohamed Abdel-Latif, Hossam Mahmoued and John Ortli
ICWMM 2007

Optimization technique to retrofit series of detention basins in Sycamore Run, Gahanna, Ohio
Mohamed Abdel-Latif and Hossam Mahmoud
ICWMM 2007

Surface Water Quality in Kosova
Tahir Arbneshi, Tush Markar and Naser Troni
ICWMM 2007

Factors affecting scour of previously captured sediment from stormwater catchbasin sumps
Humberto Avila, Robert Pitt and S. Rocky Durrans
ICWMM 2007

Runoff disposal through permeable blacktop pavements
Ashwin Beosumbar
ICWMM 2007

Land development characteristics in the southeastern United States
Celina Bochis, Robert Pitt and Pauline Johnson
ICWMM 2007

Locating leaks in water distribution systems using network modeling
Paul F. Boulos, Trent Schade and Chris Baxter
ICWMM 2007

Airborne geophysics for watershed characterization
Bill Brown
ICWMM 2007

Representation of non-connected impervious area in SWMM runoff modeling
Mi Chen, Sangameswaran Shyamprasad, Mitchell Heineman and Christopher S. Carter
ICWMM 2007

Integrating sewer inspection data into SWMM model calibration
Fang Cheng, Gregory R. Barden, C. Gibson Chen, Edward H. Burgess and Julie A. McGill
ICWMM 2007

Determination of overflow risk for stormwater systems
Mathurin Daynou and Musandji Fuamba
ICWMM 2007

Parametric examination of source area snowmelt clarification
Christopher M. Dean, Kim M. Howerter and John J. Sansalone
ICWMM 2007

Enhanced equivalent conduits in SWMM 5 for surface area and hydraulic calculations
Robert Dickinson, Charles Moore, Edward H. Burgess, Derek Wride and Srinivas Vallabhaneni
ICWMM 2007

Using SWMM and pre-construction flow monitoring to forecast the hydrologic impacts of residential street permeable pavers
Scott Dierks
ICWMM 2007

A technical basis for analyzing the impact of heat addition from stormwater effluent into receiving water bodies
Darryl A. Dormuth
ICWMM 2007

How big should my tunnel be?
Taymour El-Hosseiny, Karen Reinhart, Gregory R. Barden and M.P. Cherian
ICWMM 2007

Rainfall-runoff modeling of an urbanized sub-watershed
P. K. Garg, Mahesh K. Jat and Deepak Khare
ICWMM 2007

Determining a consistent peak flow level of service for a wet weather management plan
Hazem Gheith, Matt Davis, Timothy Fallara and Taymour El-Hosseiny
ICWMM 2007

Determining peak flow recurrence in combined basins with limited flow data using genetic algorithm calibration
Hazem Gheith, Mary Carmichael, Gregory Barden and M.P. Cherian
ICWMM 2007

Coping with Mother Nature – minimizing flooding, erosion and ice hazards in a dynamic river system
Mike Gregory, Ray Tufgar, Kevin Hall and Stu Seabrook.
ICWMM 2007

Mubarak Pumping Station: the largest pump station ever built
Mamdouh Hamza, PhD, PE, Ahmed Rashed, PhD, PE, and Mohamed Abdel-Latif, PhD, DEE, PE
ICWMM 2007

Continuous water quality data modeling for Hackensack River estuary
Aridaman Jain, Ken Johnson, Francisco Artigas and Christine Hobble
ICWMM 2007

Sanitary sewer system rehabilitation: pre- and post-implementation analysis using PCSWMM and automatic sensitivity, error and calibration
William James, Robert James, Craig Campbell and Ian Guppy
ICWMM 2007

Combined urban and rural models for integrated river basin management
Arne Klawitter and Manfred Ostrowski
ICWMM 2007

Detecting and preventing invalid hydraulic solutions in SWMM 5
David Ksyniak, Khalid K. Khan, Robert E. Dickinson and James T. Smullen.
ICWMM 2007

Comparisons of the characterization of sediment from four stormwater ponds in Ontario
Helena Li, Yiping Guo and Jen-Shin Chang.
ICWMM 2007

Modelling the stormwater benefits of green roofs in the City of Toronto
James Li
ICWMM 2007

A technical approach for extrapolating available monitoring data to facilitate long-term continuous simulation modeling
Mark Loehlein and Terry Meeneghan
ICWMM 2007

Quantifying the impact of climate variability and land-use change on floods in Northeastern Illinois
Momcilo Markus, James Angel, Lin Yang and Mohamad Hejazi
ICWMM 2007

Optimizing collection system operations and improvements through a web-based flow monitoring and hydraulic modeling system for Erie County Sewer District No. 6, Buffalo, New York
Christopher P. Martin, Laura Wagner, Juraj Cunderlik, Rob James and Steve Russell
ICWMM 2007

Impending water crises - issues of sustainability and desertification
Edward A. McBean, Homayoun Motiee and Bahram Gharabaghi
ICWMM 2007

Development of a fast simulation model to facilitate multi-objective optimisation of the integrated urban wastewater system
Dirk Muschalla and Manfred Ostrowski
ICWMM 2007

Techniques to assess rain gardens as stormwater best management practices
Rebecca Nestingen, Brooke C. Asleson, John S. Gulliver, Raymond M. Hozalski and John Nieber
ICWMM 2007

Hydraulic assessment of the Ganaraska River, Port Hope, Ontario
Peter Nimmrichter
ICWMM 2007

Optimizing chlorination in distribution water networks using multiobjective genetic algorithms
Issam Nouiri and F&eacute;thi Lebdi
ICWMM 2007

Evapotranspiration and related calculations for stormwater biofiltration devices; proposed calculation scenario and data
Robert Pitt, John Voorhees and Shirley Clark
ICWMM 2007

Investigating the effect of urbanization-induced precipitation variability on hydrological response using mesoscale meteorological model output linked to SWMM5
Shannon Reynolds, Steven J. Burian, J. Marshall Shepherd and Michael Manyin
ICWMM 2007

Surge Modeling in Sewers Using Alternative Hydraulic Software Programs
Karen E. Ridgway and Gregory J. Kumpul
ICWMM 2007

Urban drainage and climate change: review of potential impacts and potential means for adaptation
Gilles Rivard, Alain Mailhot and Sophie Duchesne
ICWMM 2007

A primer on the role of mass, number and surface area of anthropogenic and engineered particles
John J. Sansalone
ICWMM 2007

An explicit conduit storage synthesis algorithm for solving decoupled forcemain networks
Trent Schade, Chris Baxter, Misgana Muleta and Paul F. Boulos
ICWMM 2007

Arc Hydro: a framework for integrating GIS and hydrology
Sam Shamsi
ICWMM 2007

Creation of digital terrain models and GIS applications
Jehan M. Al-Sheikh Suleimany, Karim K. Al-Jumaily and Abdul Razzak T. Ziboonb
ICWMM 2007

Characterizing the variability of rainfall and runoff for stormwater prediction
Baxter E. Vieux and Jean E. Vieux
ICWMM 2007

Assessing the effectiveness of proprietary stormwater treatment devices
Matt Wilson
ICWMM 2007

Comparing the probabilistic approach with traditional methods of regression analysis
Zoe J. Y. Zhu and Edward A. McBean
ICWMM 2007
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