ICWMM list of accepted 2025 abstracts (updated weekly)

Keynote presentations:

50 Years of Monitoring and Modeling; Monitoring is Critical for Development and Confirmation of Stormwater Modeling Processes - Bob Pitt, University of Alabama (retired), AL, USA

Recent Advancements and a Preview of Future Directions for the EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) - Caleb Bauhin, USEPA, OH, USA

Current accepted abstracts for oral presentation:

A Statistical Method Similar to the Hershfield Method for Estimating Probable Maximum Floods in Ontario - Dequan Zhou And Diana Sankar, Hatch Ltd., ON, Canada

Analysis and Prediction of Temporal Discharge Variations in Stormwater Drainage Systems Under Artificial and Natural Rainfall Conditions Using Machine Learning - Sung Won Park, C. G. Song, T. Eom, and D. Kim, Incheon National University, South Korea

Navigating Clean Waters: ALCOSAN's Modeling Journey - Sam Shamsi, ALCOSAN, PA, USA

Assessing Climate Impacts on Pavement Performance: Scenario-Based Analysis of Rainfall, Runoff, and Infiltration for Urban Resilience - Hasti Shwan and Pejoohan Tavassoti, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada

Uncertainty in Modeling Pollutant Build-up and Wash-off Processes at the Urban Catchment Scale - Zhaokai Dong, Western University, ON, Canada, Pradeep Goel, Ministry of the Environment, ON, Canada and Clare Robinson, Western University, ON, Canada

Quantifying Flood Hazards in a Neighborhood Near You: Off-the-Grid Adventures in 2D Modeling - Mike Gregory, Computational Hydraulics, ON, Canada

Hybrid Simulation with Machine Learning: Digital Twins for Collection Systems with Physics-Informed ML  - Yuan Zhou and Yuanhang Meng, Autodesk, ON, Canada

Comparative Analyses of Rain-on-Mesh Flood Models for Predicting Urban Flooding under Climate Change Extremes - Md Sami Bin Shokrana, Katerina Boukin, Kenneth Strzepek, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA

Integrated Optimisation of Water Main Renewals and Capacity Improvements to Minimise Life-Cycle Cost Redcliffe, Qld Australia - Andrew Faulkner, Joel Wilson and Tom Milne, WCS Engineering, CO, USA and Australia

Feasibility of Covid-19 Virus Detection in Upstream Reaches of Sanitary Sewer Systems - Steven J. Wright, Michelle L. Ammerman, Krista R. Wigginton, Gina M. Kittleson, Anna J. Kilts, C. Xavier Jenkins, Jinyi Cai, Qiuyu Zhang, and Felipe de Paula Noguiera Cruz, University of Michigan, MI, USA

Return Period vs. Probability of Failure: Which Concept to Choose for Decision-Making in Flood Risk Management - Mustapha Boukhelifa and Sarah Bacon, Stantec, QC, Canada

ASTM Rainfall Weighting Factors - Graham J. Bryant, Hydroworks, NJ, USA

Leveraging Stormwater Modeling to Prepare for Radiological Emergencies - Anne Mikelonis and Caleb Buahin, USEPA, OH, USA

A Review of One-Dimensional Finite-Volume Solvers for Mixed Free-Surface and Pressurized Flows - Peter Klaver, LimnoTech, MI, USA

Analysis of the Impact of Flood Risk Perception Time and Shelter Locations on Life Loss - Jeonghu Lee, Changgeun Song, EunTaek Shin, and Kangbeen Kim, Incheon National University, South Korea

Large Scale Municipal Flood-Mapping in Northern Nova Scotia with PCSWMM, HEC-RAS and In-house Automated Tools - Alexandra Oliver and Noushin Mohammadzadeh, CBCL Limited Consulting, NS, Canada

Prospects in Wastewater Management Using Deep Learning - Jud Pierre and Musandji Fuamba, Polytechnique Montreal, QC, Canada

From Concept to Detailed Design: Employing Various Hydraulic Modeling Tools in CSO Design - Inez Plugge Porter, Gerardo Cisneros Romero, Mottmac, UK, Dan Sharek, ALCOSAN, PA, USA, Ricardo Telo and Talia Tokyay, Mottmac, UK

Helene’s Impact on Western North Carolina Infrastructure: Burnsville & Spruce Pine - Ken Orie, WithersRavenel, NC, USA

Hydrological Modeling PCSWMM vs. HEC-HMS: A Case Study of a Quebec River Watershed - Sarah El Outayek and Gilles Rivard, Lasalle|NHC, QC, Canada

Improve 1D SWMM Hydraulic Modeling with Hydraulically Challenging Structures and Designs - Suibing Liu, Jacobs, John Barton, MSDGC, OH, USA and Katie Bollmer, Jacobs, OH, USA

A Case Study of Calibration of Combined Sewers - Vineela Griddaluru, Jacobs, MO, USA and James Kauffman, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, MO, USA

A Novel Approach to Scalable Data Driven Pluvial Flood Modeling Utilizing a 1&2D Hydrodynamic Flood Model Tool for Urban Flood Management - Katerina Boukin, George Remias, Randolph Kirchain and Kenneth S Strzepek, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA

Enhanced Roadside Trench System for Effective Management of Salt Laden Runoff in Salt Vulnerable Areas - Sepideh E. Tabrizi, Ryan Bolger, Hani Farghal and Bahram Gharabaghi, University of Guelph, ON, Canada

A Hazard-Vulnerability-Risk Approach to Estimate Losses Produced by Water Distribution Pipe Breaks - Diego A. Paez and Hailiang Shen, Computational Hydraulics, ON, Canada

Hydraulic Modeling of Water Distribution Networks Including Live Data and Pressure-Dependent Leakage Relation - Vasilis Koukoravas, Bruno Ferreira and Luke Butler, Qatium, Portugal

PAHs and PFAS Stormwater Concentrations and Treatment at Seven Current and Recommissioned Military Facilities - Bob Pitt, University of Alabama (retired), AL, USA, Balaji Rao, Texas Tech University, TX, USA, Brandon Steets, Geosyntec Consultants, CA, USA, Cesar Gomez-Avila, Huayun Zhou, Tariq Hussain, Danny Reible, Texas Tech University, TX, USA and Jared Ervin, Geosyntec Consultants, CA, USA

Using CFD to Improve 1D/2D Collection System Hydraulic Model - Bassam Aldhafari, San Francisco Department of Public Works, CA, USA

Applying Epanet to Represent Air Phase Flows During Water Distribution Network Priming - Vitor G. Geller and Jose G. Vasconcelos, Auburn Univesity, AL, USA

Stormwater Management Using Sponge Parks in the City of Montreal: A Case Study of the Prieur Park - Chloe Bernier and Jean-Luc Martel, and Francois Duhaime, Ecole de technologie superieure, QC, Canada, Cedric Duchesne, David Courchesne, and Ikram Abdeljelil, City of Montreal, QC, Canada

Non-Dimensional Metrics for Detection of Air Entrapment in Stormwater Pipes - Abdulmuttalib M. Lokhandwala, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA, Yichen Tao, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA, Vitor G. Geller, Auburn University, AL, USA, Daniel B. Wright, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA, Jose G. Vasconcelos, Auburn University, AL, USA and Ben R. Hodges, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA

Diagnosing and Mitigating Urban Flooding: A Case Study of Complex Drainage Systems by Mathematical Modeling - Sabina Sadek, Helia Farzaneh, Jennifer Nolan-Kremm, and Aaron Farrell, HDR Engineering Inc., ON, Canada

Development and Calibration Challenges for a Large Confined Drainage System Model - Wesly Jellknight, Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd, BC, Canada

Exploration of Model Parameter Optimization Strategies for Improved SWMM Model Calibrations - Eric Gill, Ross Volkwein, and Zeda Yin, Wade Trim, PA, USA

Introducing CSA W231-2024: Developing and Interpreting Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Information Under a Changing Climate - Jean-Luc Martel, Ecole de technologie superieure, QC, Canada

Assessing the Technical and Environmental Performance of Stormwater Management Infrastructures Using a Systemic Approach - Pierreman-Fils Pierre and Musandji Fuamba, Polytechnique Montreal, QC, Canada

How an Urban Design Challenge Was Used to Promote the Use of Green Infrastructure in a Park - Altarral Hagen, R2T, GA, USA

Machine Learning-Based Urban Flood Prediction Utilizing 1D-2D Modeling and Statistical Characteristics of Rainfall - Hyeontak Jo, Sedong Jang and Byunghyun Kim, Kyungpook National University, South Korea

Accepted Poster Presentations:

Sewer Rehabilitation Planning Through Interactive Decision Tree Framework - Nina Caraway and Ali Nakhli, WithersRavenel, NC, USA

Analysis of Stormwater Runoff Reduction Effects in Urban Areas Through Scenario-based Low Impact Development Techniques - Gwiun Jeong, Jaehwan Yoo and Byunghyun Kim, Kyungpook National University, South Korea

Wet Weather Planning: Predicting the Rain Versus Building the Ark - Ken Orie and Dori Sabeh, WithersRavenel, NC, USA

Optimization of Blue and Green Infrastructures in a Sustainable Muti-Criteria Analysis - Melanie McGrory and Jean-Luc Martel, Ecole de technologie superieure, QC, Canada

Scenario-Based Analysis and Design of a Seawater Intake Canal in a Coastal Area - Rosa Celic Reséndiz Mendoza, Kiewit Engineering Group, Mexico

Assessment of Water Quality at Moore’s Mill Creek Watershed Using PCSWMM - Michael Bragg, Ashmita Poudel, and Jose Vasconcelos, Auburn University, AL, USA

Incorporating Underground Spaced into Urban Flood Modeling for Enhanced Flood Prediction and Risk Assessment: A Case Study of the MIT CAMPUS - Katerina Boukin, Hessam Azarijafari, Kenneth S Strzepek and Randolph Kirchain, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA

Implementation of a Maintenance Plan for Stormwater Management Infrastructures Using the Systemic Method - Pierreman-Fils Pierre and Musandji Fuamba, Polytechnique Montreal, QC, Canada

Maximising Affordable Housing With Minimal Environmental Impacts for Christchurch, NZ - Andrew Faulkner, Joel Wilson, Bridget O’Brien, Michele McDonald, and Glen Hughes, WCS Engineering, Australia

Sessions will be finalized the week before the conference.
MARCH 5-7, 2025
International Conference on Water Management Modeling

Register today for the preeminent annual meeting of water management modelers.